Closings & Garbage Schedule: Labor Day

Office & Transfer Station Closings:

  • Transfer Station will be closed Saturday, August 31 and remained closed Monday, September 2.
  • City Hall & Public Works will be closed Monday, September 2.

Garbage Schedule: Week of September 2

  • Monday’s route will be picked up on Tuesday, September 3.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday’s route will be picked up on Wednesday, September 4.
  • Regular schedule resumes on Thursday, September 5.

August 20-21: Mosquito Spraying

Valley City Public works will spray for mosquitoes on Tuesday, August 20th beginning approximately 8 pm and if needed Wednesday, August 21st in the morning, weather permitting.

Parents are advised to keep children and pets out of the streets and away from the spray machines. Motorists are urged to use caution when traveling in the area of the operation.

If there are any questions, please feel free to call Public Works at 845-0380.

07/23 & 07/24: Mosquito Spraying

Valley City Public works will spray for mosquitoes on Tuesday, July 23rd beginning approximately 9pm and Wednesday July 24 9pm, weather permitting.

Parents are advised to keep children and pets out of the streets and away from the spray machines.  Motorists are urged to use caution when traveling in the area of the operation.

If there are any questions, please feel free to call Public Works at 845-0380.

Mosquito Spraying: 07/16-07/17

Valley City Public works will spray for mosquitoes on Tuesday, July 16th beginning approximately 7pm and Wednesday, July 17th in the morning, weather permitting.

Parents are advised to keep children and pets out of the streets and away from the spray machines.  Motorists are urged to use caution when traveling in the area of the operation.

Notice of Public Hearing for Integrated Resource Plan 07/16/2019


A Public Hearing on the City of Valley City Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for the Valley City Public Works is scheduled for July 16 at 5:00pm at City Hall.

The City of Valley City has prepared an IRP as required by Western Area Power Administration (Western) under its Energy Planning and Management rules. An IRP must be completed by the City of Valley City to renew its long-term power supply agreement with Western.

An IRP involves planning for future energy resources by evaluating a full range of alternatives, including traditional energy sources, power purchases, energy conservation and efficiency, and renewable resources, in order to provide adequate and reliable service to consumers at the lowest system cost. An IRP should support municipal utility goals and schedules.

The IRP Summary Report can be viewed at City Hall during business hours. In addition to commenting on the IRP at the Public Hearing, written comments can be submitted to the City of Valley City during business hours before the Public Hearing.

Gary Jacobson
Public Works Accountant

Closings & Garbage Schedule: 4th of July

Office & Transfer Station Closings:

  • City Hall, Public Works & Transfer Station will be closed Thursday, July 4.

Garbage Schedule: Week of July 1

  • Thursday and Friday’s routes will be picked up on Friday, July 5.

2019 Block Parties Proclamation

Whereas, block parties nationwide can help reduce crime by getting to know your neighbors and develop a sense of community; and

Whereas, block parties help to develop a sense of neighborhood spirit, safety and unity; and

Whereas, Valley City plays a vital role in assisting the Valley City Police Department through joint crime, drug and violence prevention efforts in Valley City and is supporting block parties locally; and

Whereas, it is essential that all citizens of Valley City be aware of the importance of crime prevention programs and impact that their participation can have on reducing  crime, drugs and violence in Valley City; and

Whereas, police-community partnerships, neighborhood safety, awareness and cooperation are important to the life and health of a community;

Now Therefore, the Valley City Commission, hereby calls upon all citizens of Valley City to join with neighborhoods and communities across America to host or attend a block party in your neighborhood.

Further Let it be Resolved, that the Valley City Commission, hereby proclaims the summer and early fall in Valley City to be a time to get to know your neighbors and celebrate by hosting or attending a block party.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
June 4, 2019

VCPW to Flush Fire Hydrants

The Valley City Public Works Department will be flushing hydrants in the city beginning, May. 13th, 2019. Water pressure may vary and residents may notice discolored water conditions during this time; however, the water will remain safe to drink. To avoid any inconvenience, residents should check their water before doing laundry, and store water for drinking and cooking.

Call Public Works at 845-0380 if you have any questions.

Preventing Mosquitoes In & Around the Home

Protect your home against mosquitoes

Protect your home against mosquitoes

  1. Remove standing water where mosquitoes could lay eggs:
    • Eliminate unnecessary water holding containers, especially tires, large cans and bottles.
    • Keep clean water in children's wading pools & drain when not in use.
    • Keep ditches and streams adjoining your property free of grass clippings, garbage, and other debris, which obstruct the natural flow of water.
    • Keep weeds & grass cut short during the summer months. Report vacant lots that are not maintained properly to city officials.
    • Make sure stored boats are covered or water drained out of them completely. Store small boats upside down.
    • Change water in birdbaths, fountains and troughs weekly.
    • Clean roof gutters.
  2. Control mosquitoes inside your home
    • Maintain proper screening for windows and doors.
    • An indoor fogger or spray can be used to kill mosquitos. Mosquitos rest in dark, humid places. Always follow the precautions and instructions on the label.
  3. Protect yourself and others
    • Wear light colored, long pants and long-sleeved shirts when outside.
    • Stay indoors during the evening and early morning hours when mosquitoes are most active.


Valley City Public Works: Mosquito Program

Valley City Public Works will fog for mosquitos throughout the summer. Prior to scheduled application, Public Works will announce upcoming dates in the Times Record and on KOVC stations. Generally, this will occur in the evenings.

Closings & Garbage Schedule: Memorial Day

Office & Transfer Station Closings:

  • Transfer Station will be closed Saturday, May 25 and remain closed on Monday, May 27.
  • City Hall & Public Works will be closed Monday, May 27.

Garbage Schedule: Week of May 27

  • Monday’s route will be picked up on Tuesday, May 28.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday’s route will be picked up on Wednesday, May 29.
  • Regular schedule resumes on Thursday, May 30.