09/17/2019 City Commission Minutes

Valley City Commission Proceedings

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Powell, Commissioner Erickson.

Members absent: Commissioner Bishop.

Others present: City Administrator Schelkoph, City Attorney Martineck by phone, City Auditor Richter, City Assessor Hansen, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, Building/Fire Inspector Andersen, Fire Chief Magnuson, Lieutenant Rustebakke, Chad Petersen from KLJ.

Approval of Agenda – Addition of Consent D

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve the minutes from September 3, 2019 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Powell. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Raffle Permit for Sheyenne Care Center
  2. Approve Parade Application for Valley City State University Homecoming on September 28, 2019 on Central Avenue at 10:30 AM
  3. Approve Block off Street Request on 4th Street NE for City-County Health District on October 1, 2019 from 4:00 – 7:00 PM for the Welcome to the Block Party
  4. Approve Raffle Permit for Valley City Fastpitch

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.

Public Comments

Madeline Luke provided comments to the City Commission regarding 2020 budget including salaries, bond rating, and public works expenditures and reserves.

Public Hearing

Public Hearing for 2020 Annual Budget
President Carlsrud declared the public hearing open. Bob Werkhoven inquired if the increase in salaries are based on performance evaluations. Commissioner Magnuson stated based on step increases and COLA increase. Werkhoven commented on potential issues if a city attorney also has private practice. Commissioner Magnuson moved to close the hearing, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. Commissioner Powell recommended the City consider merit based pay. Motion carried to close hearing.

Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1050, the 2020 Annual Budget Ordinance

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1050, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.

Commissioner Powell stated projects are done within budget. Commissioner Magnuson without increasing electrical rates and without increased mill levies, the utility funds are able to support general government including the street department which is funded by the general government funds. City Auditor Richter clarified the cash reserves are at 48%. Richter explained the Moody’s negative cash outlook due to the accounts receivable from the State Water Commission. Richter now seeks payment prior to year-end. Richter stated the City’s goal is for the cash reserves at least 30%.

The motion passed unanimously.


Approve second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1049, an Ordinance Amending Title 14, Motor Vehicles & Traffic

City Attorney Martineck stated there were no changes from the first reading and based on the new ordinance, vehicles on the street will need to move more than 50’ in 72 hours.

Commissioner Powell moved to approve the second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1049, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Consider recommendation to begin Renewal Application for Valley City Renaissance Zone

Jim Knutson, Chair of the Renaissance Zone Authority Board, reviewed the program. Started in 2000, 119 projects have been approved with $36 million value; $17 million has been completed and is on the tax rolls which generates $240,000 in tax revenue/year.  Knutson asked if the Commission would like the Renaissance Zone Authority Board to put in the time and effort to begin renewal efforts. Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve beginning the renewal application for the Valley City Renaissance Zone, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.

Consider construction extension for Brockopp Brewing, LLC pursuant to V.C.M.C. 4-01-11(1.b.iii)

City Attorney Martineck recommended 6 month construction extension for Brockopp Brewing, LLC.  Commissioner Erickson moved to approve the construction extension, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

Consider the purchase of Christmas decorations for the new street lights on Central and Main St. for $14,000

City Administrator Schelkoph stated the existing decorations will not fit on the new light poles. The wreath has been vetted by the Downtown Streetscape Committee and Electrical Superintendent Senf. Schelkoph asked for Commission to continue the purchase of 42 wreaths.

Commissioner Erickson inquired why the old lights can’t be used. City Administrator Schelkoph stated the purchase of the new decorations was not included in the budget for 2019. This cost will be covered from the building site project line item. The building project was delayed as it was over budget. Schelkoph stated the old lights will be put in reserve for reuse later.

Commissioner Powell asked if it is possible to hold off for one year and keep the cash on hand for the building project. Commissioner Magnuson stated the money will be spent either this year or next.

Schelkoph stated typically the large décor is $500-750 each. Schelkoph stated weight of the product was a factor.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve the purchase, seconded by Commissioner Powell.  Roll call: Erickson – nay; Bishop – absent; Magnuson – aye; Powell – aye; Carlsrud – aye. Motion carried.

Consider approving Construction Engineering Agreement for Permanent Flood Protection Phase III with KLJ in an amount not to exceed $182,500

Chad Petersen from KLJ reviewed the request for construction engineering agreement for Permanent Flood Protection Phase III – Master Lift Station. City Administrator Schelkoph clarified that this is for the next phase of the project. Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve the construction engineering agreement, seconded by Commissioner Powell. Roll call: Bishop – absent; Magnuson – aye; Erickson – nay; Powell – aye; Carlsrud – aye. Motion carried.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Schelkoph reminded the citizens that the 3rd and final pickup for tree branches will be on September 26-27. Streetlights are being installed on Central Avenue.

City Updates & Commission Reports

City Attorney Martineck clarified that he is a contracted employee without private practice.

Chad Petersen from KLJ stated storm sewer project has closed a portion of Wintershow Road – it should re-open this week; work continues on Central/Main intersection; work will begin on intersection of 9th Street N & Central. Traffic signals for Central Avenue are expected late September/early October.

Commissioner Powell thanked public for putting up with construction.

President Carlsrud thanked employees for work and for Jefferson Elementary parents for working with construction.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:46 P.M.

Dave Carlsrud, President of the
City of Valley City Commission

Attested to by:
Avis Richter, City Auditor
City of Valley City

Posted in City Commission Minutes.