Public Access – City Buildings

While North Dakota, and Valley City in particular, remain at a low risk status for community transmission of the COVID-19 virus, many organizations have begun to take preventative actions in an effort to mitigate future transmission.

The City of Valley City government offices and facilities are committed to remaining accessible to members of the public until it is no longer advisable to do so.

For the safety of our employees and to assist in community mitigation efforts, Valley City residents are highly encouraged to conduct business with the City by phone or email.  Utility payments should be mailed, deposited in the drop box in the front entry of Public Works, or deposited in the drop box in the parking lot behind the Valley City Post Office. 

Residents that require personal service (ie. credit card payments) at City Hall or Public Works may be asked to remain in a designated area while they are being assisted.

Commission meetings are open to the public; however, residents are encouraged to remain at home and watch the broadcast (live or replay) on CSI channel 68 or BEK channel 26.   Members of the public who wish to address a matter of public business at the meeting should call or email City Hall in advance to request time to speak.

  • Mail payments to: Valley City Public Works, PO Box 240
  • Payment drop box: Public Works entry or USPS rear parking lot
  • City Hall phone: 701-845-1700
  • Public Works phone: 701-845-0380
  • Transfer Station phone: 701-845-0314

Additional information and updates available at:

Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.