06/01/2020 Mayor’s Message

Good News & Tragedies

  • This past week has seen our ND Smart Start Restart Rating go from “Medium” to “Low” Risk.  Good news; please keep up your good work with your social distancing.
  • We also endured tragedies this week.  A man in Minneapolis, George Floyd died and a police officer has been charged with a degree of murder.  In Grand Forks, another tragedy when an officer, Cody Holte was killed in the line of duty and Deputy Ron Nord was wounded.
  • Life is fragile and these tragedies can’t be “undone”.  We can, however, pray for families and friends of all involved with these terrible actions.  Life is uncertain and none of us is guaranteed another day of life so “call someone”, a family member, a friend or someone you know who could be uplifted by your call to say “hi”, “thank you” or “I love you”. 
  • “To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world.(Charlie Brown)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.