8/10/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hello Barnes County

  • Another event achieved success during this challenging time: the Sheyenne Valley RiverFest was held August 1-8.  Mary Lee Nielson said last week, “One thing I have noticed is that there has been a whole new group of folks getting on the river in Valley City compared to last year.  I have been fortunate to be at Chautauqua Park three different times (walking the “grand-dog”) when groups have come into the landing.  One group from Harvey, one from Jamestown and a new group (didn’t register last year) from Valley City, they all said they would be back and bring more friends.  One person from Harvey stayed at Mel Rieman and had several nice things to say about the campground too!”  Great job everyone and we’ll look forward to your wrap-up information soon.
  • COVID-19 is still hanging around and numbers of people affected are still rising.  The active cases have increased from 347 on July 4th to 1129 on August 8th.  Please respect the virus by social distancing and wearing a mask when it is appropriate.
  • Are you using the Care 19 App?  Please consider it and see how it works at: https://www.ndresponse.gov/covid-19-resources/care19
  • Thank you to all the folks who helped bring the State Class A Senior Babe Ruth Baseball Tournament to Valley City last week.  The quality of baseball was quite good, the attendance looked good and our local team represented Valley City well.  Well done everyone!
  • * Valley City Public Schools reminder, students need to register.  Registration opens August 10th and the deadline is Friday, August 14th.
  •  “A friend who understands your tears is much more valuable than a lot of friends who only know your smile”                                   (Charlie Brown)

     Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

    Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.