6.14.2022 Planning and Zoning Minutes

Vice Chair James Wright presided and called the meeting to order 4:00pm on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022. Committee Members present: Dave Carlsrud, Bill Carlblom, and Jeff Erickson. Absent: Joe Faure, Bobby Koepplin, Mike Schell.
Others: City Attorney Carl Martineck, City Administrator Gwen Crawford, City Planner Joel Quanbeck, Acting Secretary/Tina Current, City Assessor Sandy Hansen, Building Inspector Lance Coit, and City Engineer Chad Pederson (KLJ).
Bill Carlblom moved to approve the Minutes of the May 10th, 2022 regular meeting seconded by Jeff Erickson, followed by roll call and approval.
Building/Fire Inspector Report
Building Inspector Lance Coit gave a report. He has had eight new permits. There has been five residential and two commercial permits. The last one is a demolition permit for VCSU Foss Music Hall. He reports everything is going well.
Public Hearing on application to plat the SW quarter of Section 34 T140N, R58W into two lots (extraterritorial). Recommendation to City Commission.
Vice Chair Jim Wright opened the public hearing. The application was to split the parcel into two lots and also included a variance application for a septic tank. City Planner Joel Quanbeck reported his findings on the application. Quanbeck feels that both the application and variance should be approved with three conditions: the owners must connect to city sewer if and when additional development happens adjacent to or including Lot 1 of this subdivision and the city’s sanitary sewer system is within a more reasonable distance; a requirement should be placed on applicant and all future property owners of the Charnetzki Subdivision that requires them to connect to city sanitary sewer at their own cost when city sanitary sewer is established within the land being platted; and unless the city establishes a new policy specifically dictating rural residential development, no new residential rural large lot development should be allowed in the proposed Charnetzki Subdivision.
Dave Carlsrud moved to recommend approval of the application to plat the SW quarter of Section 34 T140N, R58W into two lots with the three recommendations presented by Quanbeck. Erickson seconded with board approval followed by roll call and unanimous approval. Erickson then moved to recommend approval to the City Commission for the variance with the same recommendations in place; Carlsrud seconded followed by roll call and unanimous approval.
Public Hearing on application to Replat of Lot 1, Block 2 of Svenningsen First Subdivision and Auditors Lot 6 in the SE quarter of Section 18 T140N, R58W and some additional land. Recommendation to City Commission.
Vice Chair Wright opened the public hearing. Quanbeck explained this replat is a correction. The replat would be three lots combined into one. The reason for the replat is that the property owner’s drain field is not on the right lot and needed additional land. Carlblom moved to recommend approval with Erickson a second followed by roll call and unanimous approval.
Approve recommendation of boundaries of extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Vice Chair Wright turned the conversation over to City Attorney Carl Martineck. Discussion was started on where the Planning and Zoning board wanted the lines to be on the extraterritorial map discussed at the previous meeting – did they want to stay with the current style of the extraterritorial which followed the city border along quarter-quarter lines, or did they prefer a more square-like border following half quarter lines which the county suggested. There was also
discussion on whether to add Wolski Plaza or not it since the one-mile jurisdiction line only included half of Wolski Plaza. To be consistent with zoning regulations in that subdivision, either all of it had to be added or none.
Carlblom made a motion to stick with the current style of the map once updates get finalized. All Wolski Plaza would be included in the extraterritorial jurisdiction. Carlsrud seconded with board approval followed by roll call and a unanimous approval.
With no other items to discuss, Vice Chair Wright called for the meeting to close at 4:38pm.
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Posted in Planning & Zoning Minutes.