6.26.2023 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • Gosh, what a beautiful rain with which we were Blessed over the weekend.  Our grass went from “not growing” to “too long” and in need of mowing.  Mowing this time was kinda fun!
  • Tom Heller, recently retired MRES CEO, was recognized with the American Public Power Association’s “Alex Radin Distinguished Service Award” at the National Conference in Seattle. Congratulations Tom and thank you for your many years of quality service to Valley City and all MRES Members.
  • Are you or a loved one experiencing memory loss? The Sheyenne Valley Memory Café will meet Thursday, June 29 from 1-3 PM at the Legacy Place Community Room.  Come and learn with others who are dealing with the challenges of memory loss.
  • There are a number of properties around town with unkept buildings and yards.  Please, take pride in your properties, mow grass and “touch up” buildings.  Thank you.
  • The fall sports seasons are just around the corner; how about being a game official? There are training opportunities through local officials and clinics.  Last week the Sioux Empire Football Officials Clinic was held in Sioux Falls where 92 officials attended, four of whom were from Valley City.  It is a great fellowship, talk with one of our local folks about officiating and a possible “ride-along” to a game some evening seeing if you might enjoy officiating.
  • Thank you to our Street Department and all who cleaned Central Avenue and related areas following Rally in the Valley.  It looked nice Sunday morning.
  • Next week, July 4th, we will celebrate the 1776 Declaration of Independence being adopted by the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia.  It is exciting and usually a good time so please be careful with boats, cars and fireworks.
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.                    
  • May we never forget our fallen comrades.  Freedom isn’t free.”    ~ Sgt. Major Bill Paxon                        

                                                                                                                                                                       Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Posted in Announcements.