9.25.2023 Mayor’s Message



  • Hello Folks,
  • October 8-13 will be Youth Mental Health Awareness Week in Valley City sponsored by numerous organizations.  Jeff Yalden, Teen Mental Health and Motivational Speaker will be headlining the event.  Should you want further information or want to help, please e-mail: josh.johnson@k12.nd.us
  • We were certainly Blessed with some nice rain over the weekend.  Nearly all the land in our area was craving a “good drink of water”.  However, our road construction will likely suffer a slow down, so we’ll need to be a little patient with the inconvenience.
  • Congratulations to the VCHS Seniors for achieving the #1 Ranking in the North Dakota Dept. of Public Instruction’s “Choice Ready” program which is a new component in the North Dakota Accountability System.  Thank you to the VCPS teachers and administrators who facilitated the achievement.
  • Across the United States, October 1-7 celebrates Public Power Week.  Valley City, being a Municipal Power Community, affords us local control, favorable rates, reliability and adequacy.  Together with MRES, our citizens are provided power that is 87% carbon free.
  • Winter Parking Regulations go into effect next Sunday, October 1st.  Please familiarize yourself with said regulations so you can avoid being ticketed.  If you have any questions, please call the Police Department at 845-3110.
  • Sunday our Valley City Fire Department (VCFD) held its annual Family Day Picnic.  Golf and trap shooting were scheduled in the afternoon, but the weather only allowed the trap shooting to take place.  Later in the afternoon families gathered at the Eagles for games, a bouncy house, fellowship and food.  Thank you to all the fire fighters’ family members who arrange their lives so our VCFD can be staffed and protect us.  ** Just as folks sat down with their food, THERE WAS A CALL, so all the firefighters ran out the door while their families continued playing and eating!!
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.                    
  • Teamwork doesn’t come naturally; it needs to be taught.”    ~ Pat Summitt                      

                                                                                                                                                                       Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements.