3.5.2023 Mayor’s Message

Hello Everybody,

  • Remember it is WINTER SHOW WEEK #86, March 7-12.  Go up to the show and enjoy food stands, booths, rodeos, fellowship and much more.
  • Friday VCPS sponsored a presentation “Kindness, Respect and Inclusion” with speakers Erin Baumann & Ty Terry.  Erin and Ty shared personal heart-felt, powerful life stories.  Should you be looking for speakers, these two young people would be good choices.  Inclusion: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”.     ~ Declaration of Independence
  • Last week Gwen Crawford and I traveled with Missouri River Energy Services personnel to Washington DC for an American Public Power (APPA) Legislative Rally.  Congressman Armstrong, Senator Hoeven and Senator Cramer graciously shared time with us.  Discussions mostly centered around providing adequate municipal power that is reliable and affordable.  Thank you MRES for including Valley City.
  • Gwen & I visited the Holocaust Museum for the first time.  It was very educational though there were many examples of terrible brutality.  Emotionally it was hard, but I am very grateful to have been there and recommend seeing it.
  • Another 12 to 14 inches of snow last week demonstrated again what a great job our Public Works Department does with snow removal.  Thank you everyone.
  • * March 20, 2023 is the first day of spring …… Hang in there!
  • Our Sanitation Department is trying to catch up on the garbage route.  PLEASE help them by clearing a path to your garbage containers.
  • Speaking of snow, if you have land close by, we are running out of room for piling snow.  If you want to share some space, please contact Gwen at City Hall (845-1700).
  • Welcome to the group Sam.
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.
  • This is a wonderful day. I haven’t seen this one before.”                                                                                                                                                                       ~ Maya Angelou

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Posted in Announcements.