4.26.2022 Visitor’s Committee Minutes


April 26th, 2022 at 8:00 AM

City of Valley City Commission Chamber and Zoom

Chair Koepplin called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM.

Present:  Bobby Koepplin, Mary Lee Nielson, Tyler Marthaler, Tammy Jo Taft (8:10), Ken Reid (8:10)

Guest Present:  Larry Robinson

Member Nielson moved to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2022 meeting, seconded by Member Marthaler. Motion passed unanimously.

Reviewed Financials

            Image Enhancement Grants

Member Nielson moved to approve, seconded by Member Marthaler.  Motion passed unanimously.

            Tourism Development Grants

Member Marthaler moved to approve, seconded by Member Nielson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Consider VCSU Application for Tourism Development Grant/Loan Funds 

Larry Robinson presented the request on behalf of VCSU.  Member Nielson moved that Committee recognize that Member Taft had a conflict of interest as an employee of VCSU and would be abstaining from voting, seconded by Member Marthaler.  Motion passed unanimously.

Member Reid moved to approve as a recommendation to the city commission to approve $750,000 from the Tourism Grant fund for the Capital Campaign for construction, releasing a minimum of $75,000/year-no max, seconded by Member Marthaler.  Roll call: Marthaler-aye, Nielson-aye, Reid-aye, Koepplin-aye, Taft-abstained

Motion passed.


Member Taft stated it was discussed at the Chamber meeting that Tina Olson replace Member Reid on the committee when his term expires as the Chamber of Commerce representative.

Member Taft made a motion to recommend to the city commission that Tina Olson replace Member Reid upon his term expiring July 1, 2022, seconded by Member Nielson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36 AM.

Respectfully submitted, Brandy Johnson

Posted in City Commission, Visitors Committee.