11.04.2020 Planning and Zoning Minutes

  Chair Mike Schell presided and called the meeting to order by Zoom teleconference at 4:00pm on Wednesday, November 4th, 2020. Committee Members present: Jim Wright, Bill Carlblom, Jeff Erickson, Bobby Koepplin, and Joe Faure. Mike Bishop was absent

     Others: City Attorney Carl Martineck, City Administrator Gwen Crawford, City Assessor/ Acting Secretary Sandy Hansen, and Interim Building Inspectors Lance Coit & Mike Blevins.

     Audience members: Luke Trapp.

     Jim Wright moved to approve the Minutes of the June 10th, 2020 regular meeting, seconded by Bobby Koepplin, followed by roll call and approval.

Public Hearing for a Rezone Application for Lots 1 & 2, Block 4, Maier’s Addition, located on 3rd Ave NW, Valley City (63-2660177), and West 50’ Lots 4-5-6, Block 3, Maier’s Addition, located at 111-1/2 St NW (63-2660173), Valley City; request filed by Luke Trapp.

      Chair Mike Schell opened the public hearing. As there were no inquiries or questions, Wright moved to close the public hearing with Joe Faure a second. Followed was internal discussion. Chair Schell said that since there were two parcels to consider, the board should discuss each parcel separately starting with Lots 1 & 2 along 3rd Ave NW. Wright stated that he didn’t think it looked buildable. Chair Schell asked Interim Building Inspector Lance Coit what he saw when he looked over the site; Coit told the board he was concerned about hill slides in that area and had photos to point that out. Chair Schell said he also looked over the area and mentioned water leaks coming out of the hill and leaching out of the pavement below, indicating underground water problems. Land owner Luke Trapp told the board he had a professional surveyor look over the property and told him that any land is buildable but for what he wants to do, it may be cost prohibitive. Trapp indicated he would not be going forward with his plans to build on this property. Wright moved to deny the first part of the rezone request regarding Lots 1 & 2, with Faure seconding followed by roll call and unanimous approval. The board moved on to the second part of the request which was a rezone and also a replat request. Trapp said he wants to add on to his deck but doesn’t have adequate green space to allow it and needs this added parcel to get approval. But the issue is that this parcel next to his residential parcel is in a separate subdivision and cannot be combined to his home parcel without a replat. The board felt this solution was more complicated than it had to be, plus there was no map to actually consider a replat. After discussion with City Attorney Carl Martineck, it was decided that Trapp should apply for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) which would allow him to proceed with construction. Koepplin moved to deny the request for a rezone/replat with Wright seconding followed by roll call and unanimous approval.

Discussion on penalties for zoning violations

     City Attorney Martineck said the city is taking more interest in properties that have junk & abandoned cars, and it was noticed that a number of properties have construction equipment and building materials that don’t qualify as junk but violate zoning codes. Currently the only recourse the city has is to charge property owners with a criminal penalty or take them to District Court and sue them to remove their property. Martineck discussed this issue with City Administrator Gwen Crawford and Police Chief Phil Hatcher and it was suggested changing that to administrative or civil penalties rather than going to court. Martineck wanted to get direction from the board if this was something they would like pursued. The board agreed that they would like to see this go forward.

Building Inspector Report

     Interim Building Inspector Coit gave a general overview as to what had been happening since the June meeting. There has been a total of 48 permits issued for various projects since that time. Mike Blevins of Midwest Inspection Services let the board know that Coit has been working alongside him on many projects and is more that capable. Blevins said projects have been going well; the three main commercial projects currently underway – Love’s Travel Plaza, the Barnes County Correctional facility & the VCSU Fine Arts building –  are all moving forward as scheduled with no delays at this time.


     With no other items to discuss, Chair Schell called for the meeting to close at 4:38pm.

11.4.2020 Planning and Zoning Agenda

  The Planning and Zoning Meeting will begin on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, at 4:00 PM CT, at City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND.  Members of the public are not permitted in the Commission Chambers due to COVID-19 and as allowed by ND Executive Order 2020-16.

    Members of the public may view the meeting online (https://zoom.us/j/96712045028) or listen by calling (346) 248-7799, Webinar ID: 967 1204 5028.  Opportunity for public comment may be granted upon request by calling City Hall at (701) 845-1700.

DATE:  Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

TIME:   4:00 P.M.

  1. Call meeting to order.
  1. Roll call.
  1. Approve minutes from June 10th, 2020 meeting.
  2. Open public hearing for rezone application for Lots 1 & 2, Block 4, Maier’s Addition, located on 3rd Avenue NW, Valley City, and West 50′ Lots 4-5-6, Block 3, and West 50′ of the South 13.6′ of Lot 3, Block 3, Maier’s Addition, located at 11 ½ Street NW, Valley City; Luke Trapp is requesting rezone from ‘other’ to ‘residential’ for future construction project.
  3. Discussion on penalties for zoning violations (City Attorney Martineck).
  4. Building/Fire Inspector Report.
  5. Adjourn

1.19.2021 Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 at 5:00 PM CT, via Zoom.

Members of the public may view the meeting online https://zoom.us/j/96437758871 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID: 964 3775 8871

Call To Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approval of the Minutes from January 5th Meeting.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve 2021 Application to Sell LP Gas for Loves Travel Stop Contingent on the Approval of the Fire Chief.

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.

Public Hearing

            PH 1.  Public Hearing for Approving the Rezone of Nextera Addition to the City of Valley City.  (City Attorney             Martineck)

            Declare Public Hearing Open.

Close Hearing.

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Carlsrud

Approve First Reading of Ordinance No. 1071, Approving Rezone of Nextera Addition to the City of Valley City.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:          Erickson         Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Carlsrud


            1.  Approve Second and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 1069, an Ordinance Creating a Perpetual Restrictive             Covenant for Structures to be removed in Accordance with the State Water Commission.  (City Attorney             Martineck)

     Roll Call:     Gulmon           Erickson         Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud

2.  Approve First Reading of Ordinance No. 1070, an Ordinance Relating to the Annexation of Territory.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:     Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson         Magnuson        Carlsrud


 1.  Approve Resolution 2267, Approving Plat of Nextera Addition to the City of Valley City. (City Attorney             Martineck)

Roll Call:     Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson         Carlsrud

2.  Approve Resolution 2268, Approving Replat of Lot 2 of Hi-Line Estates and Legacy Townhomes PUD.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:     Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Carlsrud

 3.  Approve Resolution 2266, a Resolution Authorizing Refinancing Special Assessment Improvement Bonds of         2011 and 2013.  (Mike Manstrom)

Roll Call:     Gulmon           Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud

4.  Approve Resolution 2269, a Resolution Amending Master Fee Schedule re Fees for Residential Building Permits and Inspections.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call:     Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Magnuson        Carlsrud

New Business

1.  Approve the VCBCDC request for $15,000 to Support the Shop Local Campaign.  (Jennifer Feist)

Roll Call:     Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Carlsrud

2.  Approve Designating $20,000 from Renew and Replacement Fund 290 for 2021 Sidewalk, Curb, Gutter and Driveway Apron replacement.  (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call:     Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Carlsrud

3.  Approve Gaming Site Authorization for ND Chapters of Delta Waterfowl Inc. on February 27, 2021 at the Valley City Eagles Club 2192.  (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call:     Gulmon           Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud

4.  Approve Task Order for Design Engineering for Master Lift Station Upgrades.  (KLJ/Moore)

Roll Call:     Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Magnuson        Carlsrud

5.  Approve Task Order for Design Engineering for West End Lift Station.  (KLJ/Moore)

Roll Call:     Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Carlsrud

6.  Approve Task Order for Preliminary Engineering for 6th Street NW Reconstruction Project.  (KLJ/Moore)

Roll Call:     Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Carlsrud

7.  Approve Amendment to Engineer-Owner Agreement for Paving Improvement District 119 & 119B (7th Ave W and 2nd Ave NE).  (KLJ/Moore)

Roll Call:     Gulmon           Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud

8.  Discuss City Mask Plan.

Roll Call:     Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Magnuson        Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report
City Updates & Commission Reports

1.11.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hello Folks,

  • Wow, what a nice January and it looks like we have some more days of nice weather.  Keeping in mind there are winter conditions, get outside and enjoy the fresh air.
  • Last Tuesday Governor Burgum presented the “State of the State Address” kicking off the 2021-2023 Legislative Biennium. 
  • Our “Valley City Team” is busy preparing funding request presentations for but not limited to, water, sewer, street, dam and permanent flood protection projects.  This biennium will be challenging as the last year of oil production and prices were below projections.  There will be many tough decisions facing our legislators so they will need our support.
  • Your City Commission passed a program to stimulate local sales.  When it is implemented, individuals can purchase up to $625 worth of Chamber Bucks for only $500.  That is a 25% discount with which you can shop Valley City stores.  The program will be funded with $200,000 from the CARES ACT.  Be watching for more complete information.
  • Kindness, it costs nothing, but means everything.  (Kindness Quotes for Kids)
  • A COVID note, while our numbers are pretty good right now, there are a number of areas in our nation where numbers are “blowing up”.  To increase our chances against the virus, get vaccinated, mask-up, wash your hands and social distance.
  • Fun facts from your Valley City Municipal Utilities Dept. in 2020, our electricity was “on” 99.99996% of the time.  Thank you to all who contributed.

 “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.”                (Ronald Reagan, 40th US President)                                                   

Blessings, Pray, Be Safe and Be Kind,


Minutes Available text with City of Valley City Logo above

12.15.2020 Commission Meeting Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, City Assessor Hansen, PW Accountant/Manager Jacobson, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ

Approval of Agenda

Added New Business 9

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the December 1st minutes, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A.  Approve 2021 Permit to Sell L.P Gas for

            1.  CHS Inc. dba Dakota Plains Ag

            2.  Petro Serve USA #071

B.  Approve 2021 Tree Trimming and Removal License for Ross’ Tree Service.

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion carried.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.

New Business

1.  Approve 2021 Application to Operate Mobile Home Park for 

            a. Rockwater LLC

            b. Richard Plecity Trailer Court  (City Administrator Crawford)

City Administrator Crawford stated she and Lance inspected a few of the mobile home parks and there’s a little bit of junk but nothing that wouldn’t be handled a different way.  Richard Plecity Park only has 3 spots open but are licensed through the state to have 5 so we will keep them at that.  These parks are okay.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.  Motion carried.

2.  Discuss 2021 Application to Operate Mobile Home Park for Viking Drive Estates. (City Administrator Crawford)

City Administrator Crawford said there were some problems with the garbage trucks because of the pavement heaving.  We are looking into what needs to be done.  First step is speaking with the owners and what needs to be improved.  It is in the application that the park has to be up to the city’s standards.  If we can wait on approving it we would like to so we can discuss further.

Consensus was made to postpone until next meeting.

3.  Approve Public Works Capital and Operating budgets for FY21.  (PW Manager Jacobson)

PW Manager Jacobson stated in total we are pretty much the same as last year.  For the electrical department we are requesting a reduction of about 1% due to less consumption.  For the water department we are asking in total for an increase of about 3.7% mainly due to increasing the maintenance on the mains and the depreciation on some new equipment.  For the sewer we are going down 2.4% which is mainly transferring labor and associated benefits to the water department.  Garbage we are increase 1.8% for the recycling subsidy.  Street department we are going up 1.2% due to payroll increase.  Total the budget compared to current year we are going down $7000.  We are falling within the range we like to keep everything so we are not looking at any type of increase for this year.

For the capital budget we are asking for $1.6 million.  Some of the major projects are $260,000 for the master lift upgrade, $100,000 new Service Center and cold storage building and an item that was approved back in 2018 $260,000 and the rest of the smaller projects which total up to the $1.6 million.

Commissioner Bishop motioned to approve the Public Works capital operating budget for 2021, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion carried.

4.  Review and Award bids for 2021 Vehicle Purchase.  (Police Chief Hatcher)

Police Chief Hatcher stated he received bids from the three local manufacturers to replace the red 2007 Ford 500 vehicle.  The lowest bid is Miller Motors with a 2021 Dodge Durango at $26,329.  That is budgeted into the 2021 year and will be delivered then.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion carried.

5.  Approve Engineering Committee Recommendations.  (Commissioner Gulmon)

Commissioner Gulmon stated the committee met with KLJ and Moore to discuss services and costs.  The committee recommends moving forward with KLJ/Moore for the City Engineering services.

Commissioner Bishop expressed his concerns that this nothing is changing and when this process started it was to have an individual that is separate from a firm.

Commissioner Erickson stated we were going to find an engineer that would not bid on the projects while they were the city engineer and we are not doing that right now.

President Carlsrud questioned if quality control and conflict of interest were discussed.

Commissioner Gulmon stated that he did not think they did but as stated previously all these professional firms have ethical standards to meet to uphold their licensing.  Over the years KLJ has been doing projects and if there would have been ethical issues they would have been brought up.  He also stated that we are getting enhanced services, two professional companies that can bring a lot of expertise and background to the community with planning and zoning, future growth opportunities, I think we’re getting a lot more.

Commissioner Gulmon motioned to enter into a contract with KLJ/Moore for engineering services and we continue to utilize Mike Blevins from Midwest Inspection Services for building inspections, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.

Bishop-nay      Gulmon-aye     Erickson-nay    Magnuson-aye  Carlsrud-aye     Motion carried.

6.  Approve the NDDOT Urban Roads Project Submittal List for Fiscal Year 2022-2025 (KLJ)

Chad Petersen from KLJ presented a list of projects that are currently programmed through the NDDOT along with a location map.  There are three projects listed in 2021, due to some delays and challenges with the drainage project, that will be moved out to the 2022 fiscal year.  Also for 2022 is the slide area.  The mill and overlay project on west main and the frontage road can be planned to be moved to the 2023 season due to the work on the slide repair and drainage area may impact the work on the mill and overlay project.  At a previous meeting we talked about turn lanes for Petro, those were not included with that project.  Investigating different opportunities to fund that project we found we could make it eligible through the Urban Road program as a new project.  The recommendation is to modify the scope of work for 12th Street North to expand the project to 8th Ave and Winter Show Road for those turn lanes.  It increases the cost of the project by about $50,000 with about $40,000 being funded through Urban Road program.  Also programmed in 2022 is the 6th Street NW project and in 2023 there are two reconstruction projects planned on 5th St NW and 3rd Street NE.  Both are prioritized on the Urban Roads program due to replace water mains.  In 2024 the city was able to secure funding through the Highway Safety Improvement Program on behalf of the Parks and Rec for flashing beacons at the crosswalk from Gaukler to the Bubble and from 4th St SW by the Rec Center to provide a safe crossing.  It is recommended that these projects are approved for the 2022-2025 fiscal year.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion Carried.

7.  Approve City Administrator’s Review.  (President Carlsrud)

President Carlsrud stated he had sent out about 14 requests for information and about 10 returned.  His recommendation is to move forward as contracted.

Commissioner Gulmon stated in the 6 months Gwen has been here she has done a great job.  She has provided great leadership skills, empowers and supports staff which has improved morale she is very dedicated to success of staff and community and takes a common sense approach. She also does a lot of back ground work. We are fortunate to have her.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.  Motion carried.

8.  Consider Emergency Orders 2020-02.4 and 2020-05.3 re extension of City COVID Plan.  (President Carlsrud)

President Carlsrud stated last month we extended and amended our emergency order to coincide with the state and Governor’s declaration and I propose we do that again.

City Attorney Martineck added the governor’s order was extended until the 8th and the health department order for the mask mandate was extended until the 18th.  As of right now the city’s order includes both the mask mandate and the large event regulations which goes until January 8th.  At that point we can see if that is extended again by the state, if not I anticipate we would just extend the mask mandate until the 18th at that time.

President Carlsrud stated at this time his proposal is to move forward and stay in concert with the state.

Commissioner Erickson asked if we had to go along with the state.

President Carlsrud responded that it is easier when there is one set of rules.

City Attorney Martineck stated if the city did not have a local order the state order would still apply.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Carlsrud.

Gulmon-aye                 Erickson-nay                Magnuson-aye              Bishop-aye       Carlsrud-aye

9.  Approve Quote for Light Fixtures for the 2021 6th Street Reconstruction Project.  (Electrical Superintendent Senf)

Electrical Superintendent Senf stated he would like to keep them looking same.  They still have the fixtures, the bases changed but isn’t noticeable, I would like to order them.

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.  Motion carried.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Crawford stated there are several things being worked on one being the pole counts. This is supposed to be done annually but has not been done for several years.  We have given Century Link our counts and are waiting to hear back from them.  There is also supposed to be a fee paid to the City annually but it looks like 2005 was the last time it was paid.

Metal is not to be dropped off at the recycling   center.  It is across the road from the landfill.

There were some issues figuring out occupancy for some of the buildings.  Next year when they do building inspection of fire inspection we will be adding the occupancy to our report.

City Updates & Commission Reports

City Attorney Martineck stated bids were requested for the land by the lagoons and the Transfer Station.  One bid was received and we entered into a contract with that person.  We previously were getting $25/acre but with the bidding process we were able to get $63.41/acre.

An RFQ was sent out for the 6th Street project.  Four qualification statements were received and interviews were held last week.  We will prepare a report and present that at the next meeting. 

Finance Director Richter stated this is the last meeting of 2020 and we will be working on closing the books and start working towards the 2020 audit.  We have the field work scheduled the end of March and Gary has the inventory scheduled and he can report on that.

City Assessor Hanson wishes everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

PW Manager Jacobson stated the inventory count is scheduled for January 6th.  Also, kudos to everyone in the office.  Earlier this week our merchandise accounts receivable has always had aging balances.  As of this week anything over a month old is zero.

Commissioner Magnuson stated the VCFD was filling food baskets tonight for those in need.

Police Chief Hatcher stated they were continuing to shop for the Santa Cops for Kids and hopefully delivering those the next week.

Chad Petersen from KLJ wished everyone a happy and safe holiday.  Also thanked everyone for the opportunities they’ve had working with the city this past year and look forward to it for 2021.

Commissioner Gulmon wanted to let the community know that the city is in a strong financial position.  We were able to maintain the mill levy for 2021 and have strong cash reserves.  Also, you may have seen Fargo and Grand Forks have been addressing certain restaurants that have been affected due to COVID.  After hearing that and visiting with Mayor Carlsrud and City Administrator Crawford, maybe we should set up a committee to see if there is something we can do to help some of these businesses that were affected.

Commissioner Erickson thanks the Public Works and all involved in the budgeting.  There is discussion that they may put out recycling drops at the new Handy Hardware.  Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Commissioner Bishop wished everyone a safe and happy new year.  If you see the VCPD or VCFD wish them a happy holiday season as a lot of them will be working as we enjoy time with family.

Commissioner Magnuson wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New.  Also would like to see a committee formed to help out these local businesses.

President Carlsrud stated they do have some information out on what could be done to help the local businesses and we have some information coming back to us.  Shout out to recycle.  There is a lot of cardboard this time of year and it’s really important to recycle that.  Thanks to Valley City and the greater Barnes County area.  In the 30 days the order was in place our numbers have went way down.  Our Public Works folks have been getting extra work done all over town with the fall we’ve had.  Appreciate the city crew too as they work on closing the year and beginning a new one. Thanks to the Commissioners for serving, it’s important to give back to the community. 

Meeting was adjourned at 6:09 PM

1.3.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everybody.

  • Happy New Year, 2020 is in the rear view mirror! 
  • A few Blessings are; nice weather, lower COVID numbers and COVID Vaccines that look like they will be affective.  We can be grateful.
  • Welcome back students.  Classes resume at VCPS January 4th and VCSU January 11th.  You are still having face-to-face schooling because of your diligent battling of COVID to date. Congratulations to all.
  • High School Seniors, remember to complete scholarship forms for financial aid.  Whether you are going to a two-year or four-year school there are scholarships available. If you spend a couple hours preparing a form and get $250, you were paid $125 per hour!  When completing multiple forms, some information may be copied and pasted. Every year there are scholarship dollars going unclaimed so “take a shot”.
  • The other day on National News a doctor encouraged people to keep their decorative lighting up longer.  He said lights are positive for lifting our spirits.  If yours are still up, please consider leaving them a bit longer.  Maybe it will be your place that makes a difference for someone.
  • COVID numbers are down because you are doing good jobs with preventive measures.  Congratulations and continue doing the right things.

“And freedom is what America means to the world.”       (Audie Murphy, American Soldier)                                                   

Blessings, Pray, Be Safe and Be Kind,


1.5.2021 Finance Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 at 2:30 PM CT, via Zoom

Members of the public may view the meeting online

https://zoom.us/j/95839797557 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID: 958 3979 7557

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1.  Commission Topics

            a. Discuss City Engineer. (Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Erickson)

            b. Discuss Incentives to Newly Built Homes Outside the Renaissance Zone.        (Commissioner Magnuson)

  •  Department reports.
    • Out of State Travel Requests.
  • Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
  • Discuss Mobile Home Park Ordinance.  (City Administrator Crawford)
  • Discuss Prairie Dog Funding & Options.  (City Administrator Crawford and Operations Superintendent Klemisch)
  • Discuss Curb stop to Main Ownership.  (City Administrator Crawford)
  • Discuss the Valley City CARES Business Assistance Program.  (Commissioner Gulmon and Commissioner Magnuson)
  • Review Covid 19 Cares Act Relief Fund.  (Finance Director Richter)


1.5.2021 Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021 at 5:00 PM CT, via Zoom.

Members of the public may view the meeting online https://zoom.us/j/98999884200 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID: 989 9988 4200

Call To Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approval of the Commission Minutes from December 15th Meetings.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve 2021 Tree Trimming and Removal License for Pine Country Nursery.
  2. Approve 2021 Application to Operate Mobile Home Park for
    1. Plecity Mobile Home Park.
    1. Viking Drive Estates.

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


1.  Approve First Reading of Ordinance No. 1069, an Ordinance Creating a Perpetual Restrictive Covenant for Structures to be removed in Accordance with the State Water Commission.  (City Attorney Martineck)

     Roll Call:          Gulmon          Erickson         Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud


1.  Approve Resolution 2265, a Resolution to sell Real Property at a Private Sale.  (City Administrator Crawford)

     Roll Call:          Gulmon          Erickson         Magnuson        Bishop             Carlsrud

New Business

1. Approve Transformer Purchase Request.  (Electrical Superintendent Senf)

          Roll Call:     Bishop            Gulmon           Erickson         Magnuson        Carlsrud

2. Approve Economic Development Contract.  (Jennifer Feist)

     Roll Call:     Magnuson       Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson         Carlsrud

     3.  Approve Procurement Committee Final Report – 6th Street Engineering.  (City Attorney Martineck)

     Roll Call:     Erickson          Magnuson       Bishop             Gulmon           Carlsrud

4.  Receive Payment In Lieu of Taxes request for Trademark Tooling and Schedule date for a Public Hearing. (Finance Director Richter)

     Roll Call:     Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Magnuson       Carlsrud

5. Approve Valley City CARES Business Assistance Program.  (Commissioner Gulmon and Commissioner Magnuson)

     Roll Call:     Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Erickson          Carlsrud

6.  Approve Updates to the Covid 19 Cares Act Relief Fund.  (Finance Director Richter)

     Roll Call:     Erickson          Magnuson        Bishop             Gulmon           Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report
City Updates & Commission Reports

12.28/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hello Everyone,

  • I hope you all had a Blessed and safe “longer weekend”.  The weather cooperated, well, “most of the time”.  The Sunday morning snow was a pretty white, it brightened the city and was soft on which to walk. J  Decorative lighting even looks more vivid.  The snow provides some insulating qualities and should help limit the depth of the frost. 
  • Thanks to all of you who have been battling to reduce the COVID numbers in our area.  Barnes County and North Dakota have made great strides though many places around the United States have numbers on the increase.  Congratulations on your progress; beware of complacency as it can wreck all you have accomplished.
  • We celebrated Christmas at our house and while the “reason for the season” is the birth of Jesus, we were without our immediate family.  We have always gathered with family at Christmas, but with the COVID, this year it was Sue, our dog, our cat and me.  I am grateful for the good company and for the ability to communicate with many family members.  I hope you had some experiences for which you can be grateful this year as well.
  • This week is New Years; enjoy while using your best judgment.

 “Never let yesterday use up too much of today.”                                                                               (Will Rogers)                                                   

Blessings, Pray, Be Safe and Be Kind,


12.21.2020 Mayor’s Message

Greetings Folks,

  • For a number of religious Faiths this is a special time of the year.  Whatever your celebration is, remember to include Faith, Hope, Love and Gratitude.
  • North Dakota and Barnes County continue making small improvements on the COVID numbers.  Thank you for your efforts.
  • Family gatherings have been spreaders.  Holidays bring stronger urges to gather with family because they are traditional.  Please pause and use your best judgment. With the vaccine just around the corner and continued masking etc. progress will continue.  The light at the end of the tunnel is a little brighter so “keep on keeping on”.
  •  That we are a Municipal Power Community, our Electrical Department is always watching for opportunities to reduce peak load growth as a cost saving measure for us.  Recently our Electrical Department partnered with the Airport Authority on a lighting project producing the aforementioned savings.  Through MRES and Bright Energy Solutions there may be something for you.  https://www.mrenergy.com/services/energy-efficiency
  • Nice:  Thank you to our Fire Fighters who helped assemble Christmas Food Boxes last week.
  • * PLEASE, recycle cardboard boxes etc.  Thank you.

May the simple joys of this time of year bring peace to your heart and fill your home with cheer.”   (Leanin’ Tree)                                                   

Blessings, Pray, Be Safe and Be Kind,
