7.23.2020 Visitors Committee Minutes

July 23, 2020

City of Valley City Commission Chamber

July 23, 2020 at 7:15 AM

Chair Koepplin called the meeting to order at 7:15 AM.

Present:  Bobby Koepplin, Ken Reid, Mary Lee Nielson, Paige Bjornson and Greg Vanney (via conference call).

Member Reid moved to approve the minutes of the April 22, 2020 meeting, seconded by Member Nielson. Motion carried.

Financials Year to Date

  • Image Enhancement Grants
    $56,673.09 estimated available 2020 funds.

Member Nielson moved to approve the Image Enhancement Grant financials as submitted by the City, seconded by Member Vanney. Motion carried.

  • Food & Beverage Grants
    Deficit of $14,562.99 estimated 2020 funds.  Last payment of the Winter Show due January 2021 which stretches what’s available.  Member Nielson questioned the 2020 estimated annual revenue.  Deputy Auditor Klein stated it was lowered from $119,000 to $115,000.

Member Nielson moved to approve the Food & Beverage Grant financials as submitted by the City, seconded by Member Reid. Motion carried.

Consider 2021 Beautification Committee Budget. Member Bjornson made a motion to approve $4,500 VC Beautification Committee 2020 Budget, seconded by Member Vanney.  Member Nielson stated she felt the request for $4,500 was high for the current circumstances taking place.  Member Bjornson agreed and withdrew her previous motion, Member Vanney withdrew his second.  Member Nielson made a motion to approve same budget recommendation as last year of $4,000 and make a recommendation to the City, seconded by Member Reid.  Motion carried.

Consider 2021 CVB Budget.  Committee recognized conflict of interest for Member Nielson.  Member Nielson stated she prepared two budgets, one basic ($80,000) the other taking COVID-19 into consideration ($48,000).    The budget should run between the two pending income from occupancy tax.  Member Bjornson made a motion to approve and make recommendation to the City of 2020 CVB budget from $48,000-$80,000 pending occupancy tax income, seconded by Member Reid.  Motion carried. (Mary Lee Abstained)

Consider Application for Image Enhancement for Valley Gallery of Photography.  George Dutton presented his application.  He is requesting to have a marquee on to help Identify the history of the Pillar Bldg, replace weathered awnings and install signs identifying businesses within building.  Member Nielson made a motion to approve $5000 for Image Enhancement funds and make recommendation to the City, seconded by Member Bjornson.  Motion carried.

Consider Application for Image Enhancement for Bridgetown Storage and Properties LLP.  Donny Eberle presented application along with additional photos of area in discussion.  Member Vanney stated he did not see a requested amount on the application.  Donny replied the project will cost approximately $40,000-$60,000 so would like the full amount.  Member Koepplin stated it is not historic so cap would be $5,000.  Member Reid made a motion to approve $5,000 for Image Enhancement funds and make recommendation to the city, seconded by Member Vanney.  Motion carried.

Consider Food & Beverage Application for the Eagles 2192.  Darryl Stensland presented application.  Requesting help for new roof.  They had just did remodeling of carpet, painting and some roof patching however this spring they had a disaster.  It started raining in the building and ceiling tile had fallen on the floor.

Member Koepplin reminded those present of the previous grants to the Eagles.  In 2003 $45,710.07 to help with roof and air conditioners, 2011 for $5,000 Image Enhancement and in 2016-2017 $50,074 to stabilize building foundation.  Member Nielson made a motion to fund the project up to $41,861 per guidelines, having the Eagles get a line of credit and City release funds as they are available as a recommendation to the City, seconded by Member Reid.  Motion carried.


Member Vanney informed the committee he will be retiring October 15th and moving out of state so would not be able to remain on the committee.  Member Koepplin requested Member Vanney to discuss with VCSU as they forward a nomination as a recommendation to fill the VCSU seat.   

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 AM.

President Dave Carlsrud

07/20/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • The COVID-19 positive tests continue rising in North Dakota though Barnes County, due much to your good efforts, is doing pretty well.  As restrictions are relaxed, we are faced with greater freedoms.  With greater freedom, we face more decisions.  Be “North Dakota Smart”! 
  • The other day I was excited to see a friend and inadvertently shook hands with him; my mistake.  That was an unnecessary exposure for each of us.  A pleasant “hello” and a smile would have accomplished a sincere greeting.  Be careful.
  • Though some of the soil in our region is too wet, there are a few crops looking nice and some very “plush” pastures.  We are Blessed with a plethora of pretty colors again this year, blues, greens, reds and more. “The Most Beautiful City in North Dakota.
  • The tree foliage at this time is magnificent.  Stop, look and enjoy as many are pretty, some are like artwork and some are just plain “majestic”.
  • A tree can look very nice, but its survival could be in danger.  Pruning and trimming are essential!                                  

Google,  “Tree Trimming, Why”: “Proper pruning encourages strong growth, increases flower and fruit production, improves plant health, and removes damaged limbs, all which give aesthetic appeal to a treePruning at the right time and in the right way is critical, since it is possible to kill a healthy tree through neglect or over-pruning”.                                                                               

A great resource for us is Randy Grueneich, our Extension Agent; randy.grueneich@ndsu.edu 

  •  Remember “Census 2020”; BE COUNTED!  Thank you.
  • “It’s never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else”.    (Regina Brett, 90 years old, writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

Dave Carlsrud

07/21/2020 City Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 5:00 PM CT, at City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND. Members of the public are not permitted in the Commission Chambers due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16.
Members of the public may view the meeting online
Password: 1GgA30 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID: 930 2353 3399 Password 716237


Minutes from July 7, 2020 meeting


A. Approve Mechanical Contractor License for Laney’s Inc.
B. Approve Block off Street Application for the VC Chamber of Commerce on July 22nd for
Crazy Daze.
Roll Call: Gulmon Bishop Magnuson Erickson Carlsrud


During the COVID-19 emergency, members of the public may request to make a public comment regarding city business by contacting City Hall (701) 845-1700 by 12 NOON on the day of the meeting to make arrangements.
Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting. The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.
 No personal attacks to persons present or not
 No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
 Thank you for participating in City Government.


  1. Approve second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1058, an Ordinance Creating Section 20-04.01 to Extend City Sales, Use & Gross Receipts Tax dedicated to Permanent Flood Protection (City Attorney Martineck)
    Roll Call: Bishop Erickson Gulmon Magnuson Carlsrud
  2. Approve second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1062, an ordinance to amend and reenact sections 14-08-07 and 14-08-20 of the Valley City Municipal Code related to penalties for striking unattended motor vehicle and driving without liability insurance. (City Attorney Martineck)
    Roll Call: Magnuson Bishop Erickson Gulmon Carlsrud


  1. Approve Resolution No. 2258, a resolution accepting bid and awarding contract for Permanent Flood Protection Erosion Mitigation Phase 1 (Woodland Park Riverview Drive). (KLJ Engineer)
    Roll Call: Erickson Gulmon Bishop Magnuson Carlsrud


  1. Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Permit for the Valley City Eagles Aerie 2192 on Central Avenue-200 Block for Summer Nights on Central Event on 7/23/2020, 7/30/2020, 8/20/2020 and 8/27/2020. (Finance Director Richter)
    Roll Call: Magnuson Erickson Gulmon Bishop Carlsrud
  2. Approve quote for Storm Sewer Inlet Repair at 8th Ave SW/Main Street. (KLJ Engineer)
    Roll Call: Bishop Erickson Gulmon Magnuson Carlsrud
  3. Census 2020 Report (Mayor Carlsrud/Fire Chief Magnuson)


6/10/2020 Planning and Zoning Minutes

  Chair Mike Schell presided and called the meeting to order at 4:00pm on Wednesday, June 10th, 2020. Committee Members present: Jim Wright, Bill Carlblom, Jeff Erickson, Bobby Koepplin, and Dave Carlsrud. Joe Faure was absent.

     Others: City Building Inspector Dave Andersen, City Assessor/Acting Secretary Sandy Hansen, City Attorney Carl Martineck, and City Administrator Gwen Crawford.

     Jim Wright moved to approve the Minutes of the May 13th meeting, seconded by Bill Carlblom, followed by roll call and approval.

Public Hearing for the Purpose of Considering an Amendment to Section 11-05-18 of the Valley City Municipal Code which affects temporary uses such as mobile vendors.

      Chair Mike Schell opened the public hearing. With no public comment, Carlblom moved to close the public hearing with Wright second and board approval. Internal discussion began. Building Inspector Dave Andersen clarified that at this time, no permits are issued for mobile vendors. Forms would need to be created and reasonable time allowed for backgrounds checks of applicants. He suggested forms be allowed to be mailed or by electronic applications.  Andersen also pointed out vendors need a place nearby for employees to be able to take restroom breaks. Continued discussion focused on how long a mobile vendor should be allowed to be in one spot and what type of time frame and fee should be on applications. When the question came up as to why the board was considering this, Dave Carlsrud said he hoped it would ‘level the playing field’ since local restaurants & businesses pay property & sales taxes thus investing in the community. He added the city deals with complaints regarding mobile vendors every year and required applications would allow for some control and/or restrictions. City Attorney Carl Martineck added that it would also make it a way to ensure that vendors are following through with required health department licenses, paying sale taxes, etc. After more discussion, Bobby Koepplin made a motion that all fees be set by the City Commission (Section 11-05-08(3) – consider changing responsibility for setting fee from Planning Commission to City Commission), seconded by Jim Wright and board approval. Wright made a motion that revocation of permits NOT be done by Planning & Zoning – those who issue the permit can revoke the permit, and the appeal process will go to City Commission (Section 11-05-08(7)(b) – consider changing permit denial review from Planning Commission to City Commission), seconded by Koepplin and board approval. Carlsrud made a motion that time frames also be set by the City Commission as they have more resources to determine what those should be, and also that electronic communication be allowed (Section 8-08-04(4) – consider specific time instead of ‘reasonable time.” Consider allowing denial to be provided by any means of written communication rather that US mail only. Also Section 11-05-08(10) – review definition of Mobile food truck for clarity; consider 10 day maximum for food trucks), seconded by Wright and board approval.

Building/Fire Inspector Dave Andersen’s Report

     Andersen reported a busy week. Love’s Travel Center will soon begin construction, and both the new County Jail and the VCSU Art Center were given permits to begin concrete work on their projects. Wright asked that those with the VCSU project be reminded to use the ‘feeder’ road – 4th Ave – to avoid damage to other roads not prepared for heavy truck traffic. An outside company was looking at property within city limits for firework storage and Andersen is looking into the ramifications of that request.

Adjourn – With no other items to discuss, Chair Schell called for the meeting to close at 4:59pm.

Submitted by: City Assessor Sandy Hansen, Acting Secretary

5/13/2020 Planning and Zoning Minutes

  Chair Mike Schell presided and called the meeting to order by Zoom teleconference at 4:00pm on Wednesday, May 13th, 2020. Committee Members present: Jim Wright, Bill Carlblom, Jeff Erickson, Bobby Koepplin (joined late), Joe Faure and Dave Carlsrud.

     Others: City Building Inspector Dave Andersen, City Assessor/Acting Secretary Sandy Hansen, City Attorney Carl Martineck, and Brian Heath representing KLJ.

     Audience members: Gregg Stroeng, Chris Johnson; Mickey Kvien.

     Bill Carlblom moved to approve the Minutes of the April 8th regular meeting and the April 29th special meeting, seconded by Joe Faure, followed by roll call and approval.

Public Hearing for a Plat Request of Love’s Addition (63-2601150) which includes a subdivision of land for development of Love’s Travel Stop. Request submitted by Roserock Holdings LLC.

      Chair Mike Schell opened the public hearing. Gregg Stroeng & Chris Johnson of CEI Engineering/Bolton & Menk were available as representation for Love’s if there were any questions from the board. As there were no questions, Jim Wright moved to close the public hearing with Carlblom a second. With no internal discussion points, Carlblom moved to recommend a do pass to the city commission of the plat with Faure seconding followed by roll call and approval. Chair Schell mentioned to the representatives that the commission meeting would be the next Tuesday, May 19th, at 5pm if they wanted to be available to that board.

Public Hearing for Replat Request of Lot 5, South Valley Addition (63-4990050). Request submitted by Maurice & Peggy Kvien.

      Chair Schell opened the public hearing. Property owner Mickey Kvien explained that he wanted to subdivide his property as it is currently for sale but he wanted to keep a portion for access to a cold storage building. Building Inspector Dave Andersen said that Kvien has enough square footage of land for the building but not enough front footage, so Kvien may need a variance to have the building on this replatted lot. Andersen explained there was plenty of depth but the new lot would lack the minimum 100’ frontage as it only has 50’ frontage. Wright moved to close the public hearing with Jeff Erickson seconding. Internal discussion followed. City Attorney Carl Martineck stated that if the board approved the replat, the variance would be included because of that approval. Andersen said he was concerned about fencing issues if the remaining property was continued to be used as a salvage yard but Kvien assured him that it is no longer a salvage yard and that he was not marketing it as such. Dave Carlsrud asked if there was a hard reason to deny the replat/variance and Schell remarked that there was not a hard reason, but variances are usually issued if there is a hardship issue and this wasn’t a hardship issue so he was concerned about setting a precedent for future requests. Wright moved to recommend a do-pass of the replat as is to the City Commission with Carlblom seconding. The board approved with Bobby Koepplin and Schell voting nay.

Building/Fire Inspector Dave Andersen’s Report

     Andersen reported that the Love’s architects cleared up some issues with the original building plan and a new one will have some amendments. Anderson also said he had been expecting updates from the college regarding the new Arts Center but hadn’t heard from them.


     With no other items to discuss, Chair Schell called for the meeting to close at 4:23pm.

Submitted by: City Assessor Sandy Hansen, Acting Secretary