5th Ave NW Construction Notice

Construction activities on 5th Ave NW Phase 2 will resume on April 19th, 2021. Starting April 21st, 2021 5th Avenue NW will be closed from 7th Street NW to 12th Street NW. The roadway will remain open to local traffic only.
A detour route will be in effect for the duration of the closure. The detour will run from Main Street to 9th Avenue NW and then back to 5th Avenue NW via 12th Street NW.
Updated maps for all road closures will be posted on the City of Valley City’s webpage https://www.valleycity.us/engineers/ when they are taking affect. If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact KLJ at (701)-845-4980

Paving Improvement District No. 118

5th Avenue Construction Update

Phase II of the 5th Ave NW reconstruction has been suspended for winter. The roadway opened to residents October 21st  so they could all get in their garages prior to the weather. Permanent signage will be placed the week of Oct. 26 and the roadway will open to the public at that time. A temporary material consisting of a blend of aggregate and crushed asphalt has been placed and compacted on sidewalks that have not yet been completed so once things freeze solid homeowners will be able to maintain and clear snow. With 5th Ave NW not being a designated truck route, per Section 14-12-29 of the VCMC, the maximum axle load would should be 12,000 lbs. As long as we abide by that we should not have any other concerns of any travel restrictions on that road. The final construction work will be completed late spring/early summer in 2021. If anyone has questions or concerns please contact KLJ at 701-845-4980.

Construction Notice – 5th Avenue NW

Starting August 18th, 2020, the intersections of 2nd and 6th Street NW along the 5th Ave NW corridor will be closed for paving operations. The intersections will remain closed until paving operations are completed later this week.

The current detour route will remain in effect. The detour runs from Main Street to 9th Avenue NW and then back to 5th Avenue NW via 12th Street NW.

Updated maps for all road closures will be posted on the City of Valley City’s webpage https://www.valleycity.us/engineers/ when they are taking affect. If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact KLJ at (701)-845-4980.

Construction Notice – 5th Avenue NW

Starting August 14th, 2020, the intersection of 5th Avenue NW and 2nd Street NW will be closed. The intersection will remain closed into next week until paving operations are completed. 6th Street NW will open on August 14th and then also close for paving operations August 17th. Scheduled dates may fluctuate due to weather.

The current detour route will remain in effect. The detour runs from Main Street to 9th Avenue NW and then back to 5th Avenue NW via 12th Street NW.

Updated maps for all road closures will be posted on the City of Valley City’s webpage https://www.valleycity.us/engineers/ when they are taking affect. If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact KLJ at (701)-845-4980.

5th Ave Construction Notice – Effective 8/10/2020

Starting August 10th, 2020, the intersection of 5th Avenue NW and 6th Street NW will be closed. The intersection will remain closed until roadway preparation is complete. 2nd Avenue NW will remain open for the duration of the closure.
The current detour route will remain in effect. The detour runs from Main Street to 9th Avenue NW and then back to 5th Avenue NW via 12th Street NW.
Updated maps for all road closures will be posted on the City of Valley City’s webpage https://www.valleycity.us/engineers/ when they are taking affect. If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact KLJ at (701)-845-4980.

Paving Improvement District No. 118

5th Avenue NW Reconstruction

Paving Improvement District No. 118
Paving Improvement District No. 118

Project Location:

  • 5th Avenue NW from Main Street to 12th Street NW

Type of Work:

  • Reconstruction project which includes:
    • widening of roadway
    • curb and gutter
    • sidewalk reconstruction
    • roadway lighting improvements
    • replacement of water mains
    • replacement of sanitary sewer main and service lines
    • storm sewer improvements


  • Approved for 2020 construction.
    The City Commission accepted the bid and awarded the contract to KPH, Inc. for 5th Avenue NW from Main Street to 12th Street NW on December 3, 2019.
  • Construction will begin Monday, May 4, 2020.


2020 Seal Coat Project

Paving Improvement District No. 121

Map with location of seal coats for Paving Improvement District No. 121

Project Locations:

  • 12th Street NE (Old Highway 10)
  • 3rd Avenue NE
  • Streets within southwest quadrant east of 15th Avenue SW and west of 10th Ave SW
  • 7th Street SE
  • Riverside Drive

Type of Work:

  • Seal coat. Seal coats are typically installed within one to three years of surfacing.


  • Approved project for 2020 construction. The City Commission awarded the bid for this project at its March 18, 2020 meeting.
