Finance Meeting

07/07/2020 Finance Meeting Agenda

3:30 PM

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 3:30 PM CT, at City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND. Members of the public are not permitted in the Commission Chambers due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16.

Members of the public may view the meeting online

Password: 9XdxaE or listen by calling (1-253-215-8782) Webinar ID: 926 6163 8526 Password 729838

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  • Department reports.
    1. Discuss bids for transformers for electrical department.
    2. Out of State Travel Requests
  • Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
  • Discuss job title for City Administrator position (Commissioner Bishop)
  • Discuss Nature Gardens (President Carlsrud)
  • Discuss Water Service WS-16 surcharge for unmetered water services to apartments, condominiums, townhouses and trailer sites (President Carlsrud)

  • Discuss Assistant Public Works (Operations) Superintendent Position for Succession Planning (City Attorney Martineck)
  • Discuss Storm Water Management Plan for proposed Fire Department addition. (Building Inspector Andersen)
  • Discuss changing disposal rate for trees from $0 to $5 per ton for commercial tree haulers. (Commissioner Erickson)


06/02/2020 Finance Meeting Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 at 2:30 PM CT, at City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND. Members of the public are not permitted in the Commission Chambers due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16.

Members of the public may view the meeting online ( Password 5RNV3K or listen by calling (1-669-900-9128) Webinar ID: 944 5190 6824 Password 418153

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Commission Topics
    1. Discuss Succession Planning for Building/Fire Inspector
  2. Department reports.
    1. Out of State Travel Requests
    1. Discuss Transformer bid (Electric Superintendent Senf)
  3. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
    1. Public Works Capital Budget Update (City Auditor Richter)
    2. Discuss crediting commercial garbage accounts that were closed during the COVID-19 due to ND Governor’s Executive Orders (2020-06, 2020-06.1, 2020-06.2, 2020-06.3) (City Auditor Richter)
  4. Engineering topics:
    1. Discuss local share for I-94 West Business Loop/Main Street hillslide repair scheduled in 2022 (KLJ)
    2. Discuss proposed Mill & Overlay work on 2nd Ave SE and 5th Ave SW (KLJ)
    3. Discuss Permanent Flood Protection Erosion Mitigation Phase 1 (Woodland Park and Riverview Drive) project (KLJ)
  5. Discuss granting easement for non-motorized trail access across city property (west Valley City railroad bed) (Bobby Koepplin)


Finance Meeting

05/05/2020 Finance Meeting

Tuesday, May 5, 2020
3:00 PM

The City Commission Finance Meeting will begin on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 3:00PM CT, via Zoom. Board Members may attend from alternate locations to minimize group size and contact, as recommended by state and federal government officials due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16. Members of the public may view the meeting online ( or listen by calling (346) 626-6799 Webinar ID: 933 9951 8606.

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Department reports.
    • Review bids for cable in conduit for 5th Avenue NW lighting project (Electrical Superintendent Senf)
    • Discuss employee residency requirement (City Attorney Martineck)
    • Social Media Update (City Attorney Martineck)
  2. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
  3. COVID-19 Related Items for Discussion:
    • Discuss city operations and COVID-19 (President Carlsrud)
    • Discuss financial impacts moving forward due to COVID-19 (City Auditor Richter)
    • Discuss Hazard Pay for Valley City Police Department (Police Chief Hatcher)
    • Discuss alcoholic beverage & tobacco licensing renewals (President Carlsrud)
    • Discuss local business challenges (President Carlsrud)
  4. Discuss ordinance re: mobile vendor licensing (President Carlsrud & Commissioner Magnuson)
  5. Engineering Items for Discussion:
    • Review bids received for Project No. UGP-2-999(051), Streetscape Phase II (KLJ)
    • Discuss Permanent Flood Protection
      • Phase IV – Project Status Update
      • Review Amendment to Agreement for Permanent Flood Protection Phase IV – Preliminary Engineering for CLOMR (KLJ)
      • Discuss Next Steps
    • Discuss proposed projects to be included in the ND SWC 2021 Water Development Plan (KLJ)
      • Discuss 2021-2023 Biennium Project Funds (KLJ)
  6. Discuss abandoned roadway on College Street SE from 4th Avenue SE to 6th Avenue SE (Commissioner Bishop)
  7. Discuss small cell in state highway right of way (City Attorney Martineck)


04/07/2020 Finance Meeting Agenda

The City Commission Finance Meeting will begin on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 3:30 PM CT, via Microsoft Teams. Board Members may attend from alternate locations to minimize group size and contact, as recommended by state and federal government officials due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16. Members of the public may view the meeting online.

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Department reports.
    1. Out of State Travel Requests:
      1. REMOVED: VCPD for one employee to attend Managing Police Discipline, Kansas City, June 1-3, 2020
    2. REMOVED:Discuss Lexipol, a company that offers a la carte policy & procedure manual for Law Enforcement (Police Chief Hatcher)
  2. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
  3. REMOVED: Discuss $200,000 transfer from Infrastructure Renew & Replacement Fund 290 for  Permanent Flood Protection (City Auditor Richter)
  4. New infrastructure funding in territories annexed to city
  5. Discuss mobile vendor licensing (City Attorney Martineck)


03/03/2020 Finance Agenda

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 2:30 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Commission Topics
    • Discuss adding a Full Time Employee to Fire Department (Commissioner Bishop)
  2. Department reports
    • Out of State Travel Requests
    • Review Freightliner truck with Leach Packer Proposal for Sanitation Department (Sanitation Department Head Swart)
    • Review Trailer purchase by Electrical Department (Electrical Superintendent Senf)
    • Update on 2020 Census (Krystle Hartsell)
    • ND League of Cities Spring Workshop, April 14 & 15 (City Auditor Richter)
    • Discuss Lexipol, a company that offers a la carte policy & procedure manual for Law Enforcement (Police Chief Hatcher)
  3. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
  4. Discuss Permanent Flood Protection
    • Review sales, use and gross receipts tax advisory vote at June 9, 2020 election (City Auditor Richter)
    • Review Request for Contract Amendment for Permanent Flood Protection Phase IV. (KLJ)
    • Discuss Path Forward for PFP Phase IV PFP and Review Cost-Share Request to ND State Water Commission for Additional Engineering Services for CLOMR Process (KLJ)
  5. Presentation for Mill Dam Rehabilitation 30% Design and Cost-Share Request for Final Design (20 minute presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A: KLJ & BARR)


02/04/2020 Finance Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
3:30 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Department reports.
    1. Out of State Travel Requests
      1. Two office staff to Florida for Incode Conference in April (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)
  2. Review 5th Avenue NW lighting options (Electric Superintendent Senf)
  3. Review underground primary wire bid for 2020 underground projects (Electric Superintendent Senf)
  4. Review 5 year lease of Elgin Pelican Street Sweeper from Sanitation Products (Public Works Superintendent Differding & Public Works Accountant Jacobson)
  5. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
    1. Review the PW cash transfer requests to remove the Negative balances of $428,283 in the street department, and $629,777 in the water department (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)
  6. Discuss Newman Signs expenditure that exceeds CVB budget (Mary Lee Nielson)
  7. Longest Table Project Update from Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation (Andrea Nelson at 4:00 PM)
  8. Discuss request for amendment of V.C.M.C. 5-01-10 regarding animal tethering (Angie Martin)
  9. State Water Commission Update (KLJ & President Carlsrud)
  10. Review Urban Roads Submittal for Fiscal Years 2021 – 2024 (KLJ)


01/07/2020 Finance Agenda

Tuesday, January 7, 2020
3:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Department reports.
    • Review Electrical Department Transformer Bids from Resco (Electric Superintendent Senf)
    • Review MRES Rate Schedules B & C (Green Energy Rate Adder & Economic Development Incentive) (Public Works Accountant Jacobson & Electric Superintendent Senf)
    • Review Public Works rate change requests for Electrical, Water & Sewer (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)
    • Out of State Travel Requests
  2. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
    • Discuss Permanent Flood Protection buyout of 810 Riverview Drive (City Administrator Schelkoph)
    • Discuss Permanent Flood Protection buyout of 918 2nd Street SE (City Administrator Schelkoph)
  3. Discuss appointment of interim City Administrator (President Carlsrud)
  4. Summer Nights on Central Committee Discussion regarding 2020 plans (Trinity Potts, Committee Member)
  5. Discuss 7th Avenue NW estimated costs and delay to 2021 (KLJ)
  6. Review Permanent Flood Protection Phase IV Cost Overrun and Cost-Share Request to ND State Water Commission (KLJ)
  7. Discuss request for amendment of V.C.M.C. 5-01-10 regarding animal tethering (President Carlsrud)


12/03/2019 Finance Agenda

City Commission Finance Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

3:30 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Department reports.
    1. Out of State Travel Requests
  2. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
    1. Update re: Dental and Vision plans (City Administrator Schelkoph)
  3. Review VCPD patrol vehicle bids (Police Chief Hatcher)
  4. Review Proposed Public Works Operating Budget, Capital Budget, and Streetscape II requests for 2020 (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)
  5. Review Street Dept. Fund 608 negative cash balance for consideration to replenish from Enterprise funds 601 and 607 (Public Works Accountant Jacobson)
  6. Discuss bids for the 5th Ave NW Reconstruction project (KLJ)
  7. Review engineering finds for Main St. Pumping station (City Administrator Schelkoph)
  8. Discuss Permanent Flood Protection Phase IV Project Update (KLJ)


11/05/2019 Finance Agenda

Tuesday, November 5, 2019
3:30 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Department reports.
    1. Out of State Travel Requests
  2. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
  3. 2020 Board Calendar (City Auditor Richter)
  4. Discuss SRF Facility Plan for Paving Improvement District No. 119 & 119B (7th Avenue NW & 2nd Avenue NE) (KLJ)
  5. Discuss Permanent Flood Protection/Sales Tax Extension (City Administrator Schelkoph)


10/01/2019 Finance Agenda

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 4:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Department reports.
    1. Out of State Travel Requests
  2. Review monthly bills/reports (10 minutes) – (President Carlsrud)
  3. Discuss Blanket Bond (City Auditor Richter)
  4. Review Permanent Flood Protection payment schedule (City Administrator Schelkoph)
  5. Discuss SW Storm Sewer – Viking Drive Estates (KLJ)
