10/26/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

As you likely know, we enacted “The City Mask Plan” at 5:00 PM last Friday.  You can view the plan at; https://www.valleycity.us/covid-19/ . Considerations for the plan are tied to the Smart Restart Guidelines issued by the Department of Health.

MASKING-UP is important as the main modes of transmission are by coughing, sneezing, talking and breathing.  All of which transmit droplets of different sizes.  Masks will help protect you and people around you too.

So, why would you and I want to MASK-UP?  With numbers of positives on the increase, we will be moving towards a higher risk level if we can’t lower our numbers.  We need to help our businesses by masking up; business employees need to encourage customers to mask-up as well.  If we move up too much in risk level, there is a threat the state could close businesses again so let’s all MASK-UP to save our businesses.  Also, with holidays just around the corner, there will be gatherings with friends and families.  As parents and grandparents, we all want to protect our children and grandchildren from COVID and they will protect us as well.

Let’s MASK-UP to save businesses and protect fellow employees, friends and family!!

We are in this together.”         (Anonymous)                                                   

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


City of Valley City logo with word "announcement"

For Immediate Release

On Oct. 21, 2020, Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud signed Emergency Order 2020-05 implementing a Mask Plan for the City of Valley City in accordance with the ND Smart Restart guidelines.

The City Mask Plan strongly encourages people in Valley City to wear a face covering over their mouth and nose in buildings where they may encounter people outside of their household and they are unable to keep 6 feet of distance from them. They are also strongly encouraged to wear a mask in all outdoors settings where they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance from people outside of their household.

The City Mask Plan also strongly encourages businesses to follow the ND Smart Restart guidelines, which limits customers in their establishments to 50% capacity with a maximum of 100 people.

Customers entering restaurants, bars, breweries, and similar businesses are encouraged to wear a face covering from the time they enter the building to the time they sit. They should continue to wear their mask if they are not in the process of eating or drinking. Individuals using or operating public transportation should wear a face covering from pickup to arrival at the destination.

The City will actively support property owners who wish to require masks in their buildings.

The City Mask Plan places responsibility on each individual to wear masks to ensure they are not spreading coronavirus and protecting their family, friends, colleagues and fellow community members.

The City Mask Plan takes effect at 5:00 pm on Friday October 23, and will remain in effect until Governor Doug Burgum adjusts Barnes County’s risk level, or Mayor Carlsrud or a majority of the Board of Commissioners decides to change or end the Plan.

The Plan also includes a list of exemptions to the requirement which includes young children, individuals with a medical condition or disability that prevents face coverings, and certain employment, athletic and other activities.

Barnes County is currently in the yellow-moderate risk level under the ND Smart Restart guidelines.  This level represents heightened exposure risk.  The state advises that social distancing and precautions are needed and that increased cleaning on high-touch surfaces and shared spaces should be routine. 

Mayor Carlsrud said that the City desires to be proactive in the fight against COVID-19 to reverse the trend toward significant community spread and high risk of exposure which could eventually lead to a state mandated closure of businesses.

9/14/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hello Valley City and Barnes County!

  • Good news, our schools are under way.  Though there are challenges with reconvening, so far they have been manageable.  With students and school employees, VCPS and VCSU have about 2750 people so overseeing is a huge task.  Thank you all who are working to keep our schools safe for all.
  • * We have only a couple weeks remaining to be counted in Census 2020.  Please be counted!  Each person counted will generate over $19,000 and will determine our districts’ of representation.  AND it is safe.
  • Last week our Risk Level was raised to Yellow (I mistakenly said Orange last week, I apologize) and while we have had a couple low reports, positives are escalating.  Some folks have been asymptomatic, but some have become very ill and it is no fun!  Let’s be aware and protect each other as it takes a team.
  • * Please read this paragraph.  Along with hygiene and social distancing, masks help immensely.  For “masking up” to be effective, one does NOT have to wear the mask every-minute! Social distance, but if you cannot social distance, “mask up”, #MaskUpND.  For instance if business owners would request employees and customers to “mask up” when the social distance cannot be achieved, it will be a positive contribution to our battle.
  • One of our local legislators always says our area has a “Can Do” attitude and we need to “Join Hands” to make things happen.  That said, let’s work together with efforts to move our Risk Level from Yellow to Green.
  • When you are good to others, you are best to yourself.”                (Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1748)

     Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,



8/17/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • We are nearing the beginning of school ….. already!  VCPS and VCSU personnel have been planning much of the summer for a safe face-to-face return to classes.  This being an unprecedented time in education, students, teachers and administrators will need your support.
  • Do you remember Valley City is a Municipal Power community?  This year through July, the shortest outage lasted less than .5 hours and the longest outage lasted 2 hours and the lights were on .999984% of the time. J
  • Fifth Avenue NW is coming along in spite of the big rain last Friday.  Sue and I walked it last weekend, the curbs sure look nice, the base is in place and paving should be “just around the corner”.  Thank you all for your patience.
  • We have been blessed with such nice weather, I hope you all have made the opportunity to walk, jog, bike, go for a drive or just sit out in the lawn to enjoy the air.  Mindy, our dog, and I walked around Chautauqua Park Sunday evening; it was beautiful.  Get outside; enjoy the many niceties of Valley City and our area.
  • A COVID-19 note:  The numbers in Barnes County and the state continue rising.  This IS real.  We know about Social Distancing and experts are telling us the use of facemasks is beneficial.  So when we cannot Social Distance, let’s try to be better about utilizing facemasks.  I am trying to be better even though I would rather not wear a mask, I am sure it is for the better.
  • “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedication to the proposition that all men are created equal”.                                 (Abraham Lincoln)

    Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


President Dave Carlsrud

8/10/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hello Barnes County

  • Another event achieved success during this challenging time: the Sheyenne Valley RiverFest was held August 1-8.  Mary Lee Nielson said last week, “One thing I have noticed is that there has been a whole new group of folks getting on the river in Valley City compared to last year.  I have been fortunate to be at Chautauqua Park three different times (walking the “grand-dog”) when groups have come into the landing.  One group from Harvey, one from Jamestown and a new group (didn’t register last year) from Valley City, they all said they would be back and bring more friends.  One person from Harvey stayed at Mel Rieman and had several nice things to say about the campground too!”  Great job everyone and we’ll look forward to your wrap-up information soon.
  • COVID-19 is still hanging around and numbers of people affected are still rising.  The active cases have increased from 347 on July 4th to 1129 on August 8th.  Please respect the virus by social distancing and wearing a mask when it is appropriate.
  • Are you using the Care 19 App?  Please consider it and see how it works at: https://www.ndresponse.gov/covid-19-resources/care19
  • Thank you to all the folks who helped bring the State Class A Senior Babe Ruth Baseball Tournament to Valley City last week.  The quality of baseball was quite good, the attendance looked good and our local team represented Valley City well.  Well done everyone!
  • * Valley City Public Schools reminder, students need to register.  Registration opens August 10th and the deadline is Friday, August 14th.
  •  “A friend who understands your tears is much more valuable than a lot of friends who only know your smile”                                   (Charlie Brown)

     Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

    Dave Carlsrud

President Dave Carlsrud

8/3/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks J

  • The 12th Annual Debbie Gabel Cancer Memorial Ride was held last week and I am told it generated around $10,000.00 for charity.  Great job folks!
  • Kudos to the Valley City Public Works Department.  Summer brings much additional work with construction, mowing grass, repairing streets, spraying for mosquitoes and all the everyday duties.  Organizing employees around work schedules, vacation schedules and “life’s demands” while completing the work is an art.
  • Congratulations on your retirement and thank you Dave Andersen for 12-years of dedicated service to the citizens of Valley City as Building and Fire Inspector.  The nature of the Building and Fire Inspector position necessitates much ordinance knowledge and many tough decisions; thank you for being there for us.
  • COVID-19 ….. Oh boy!  North Dakota is conducting record-breaking numbers of COVID-19 tests.  Tests are proving the virus is widespread in our state and is making a move in Barnes County.  People in their 20’s and 30’s represent the largest number of positive tests though the 40’s group is a close 3rdEVERYONE, be careful!
  • Summer Nights on Central took place last Thursday after missing the week before due to a COVID-19 exposure.  Great job, thank you to all who worked on the event, it was set up nicely.
  • “The Sheyenne RiverFest” activities run August 1 – 8.  For information go to www.hellovalley.com
  • A number of trees are showing pre-mature yellowing of leaves.  It could be Iron Chorosis, for further information, Google (Iron Chlorosis) .  Our NDSU Extension Agent, Randy Grueneich, is a great resource; randy.grueneich@ndsu.edu
  • “The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows”                           (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


President Dave Carlsrud

7/27/2020 Mayor’s Message

Greetings Everyone,

  • Wow, the number of virus cases just keeps climbing!  I wish there was something prophetic I could say to help you all understand what is happening with it.  The problem seems to be, no one has definite answers as this virus is new.  “We are plowing new ground” there is no history.   Barnes County is still doing pretty well so keep up your good social distancing efforts.
  • I had the privilege of meeting with Healthcare and Educational Leaders last week.  VCPS and VCSU have teams working diligently to find the safest ways for returning students to the classrooms.  A very challenging task.  That “new ground is being plowed” many decisions will be tough ones.  Please, as a community, let’s be patient, be grateful and be confident decisions will be based on the best information available.  A prayer could be appropriate.
  • While walking Valley City, it appears this will be a “bumper year” for apple production.  One danger would appear to be over production and broken trees. All trees require care, pruning can save your Apple Tree and produce more healthy fruit by providing light and air to the fruiting spurs.  Remember our NDSU Extension Agent, Randy Grueneich, is a great resource; randy.grueneich@ndsu.edu  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoCcC9Ll5nM
  • Saturday was, hot, humid and without much breeze. In spite of the aforementioned the 12th Annual Debbie Gabel Cancer Memorial Ride was held.  Numerous agencies serving people with cancer have and continue receiving monetary benefits from the event.  Thank you Rocky and the Thundering Saints.
  • In another “heat challenged” event, 16 teams competed in the Wiffle Ball World Series at Bob and Joni Bergan’s, Shane Roberts Field.  Chad Bergan, Pat Bresnahan and Trevor Christianson produced a first class event.  Tournament Directors presented a $2000.00 check to Andrea Nelson of the Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation, this year’s Hall of Fame Class was introduced, the Hi-Lite Dance Team performed, the AMVETS Color Guard presented the colors, Kensey Knight sang a beautiful rendition of our National Anthem and Minnesota Twin’s Announcer, Dick Bremer shared an introductory message to begin play.
  • “Oil all the wheels on your wagon, not just the squeaky one”  (Cowgirls’ Guide to Life)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

Dave Carlsrud

President Dave Carlsrud

07/20/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • The COVID-19 positive tests continue rising in North Dakota though Barnes County, due much to your good efforts, is doing pretty well.  As restrictions are relaxed, we are faced with greater freedoms.  With greater freedom, we face more decisions.  Be “North Dakota Smart”! 
  • The other day I was excited to see a friend and inadvertently shook hands with him; my mistake.  That was an unnecessary exposure for each of us.  A pleasant “hello” and a smile would have accomplished a sincere greeting.  Be careful.
  • Though some of the soil in our region is too wet, there are a few crops looking nice and some very “plush” pastures.  We are Blessed with a plethora of pretty colors again this year, blues, greens, reds and more. “The Most Beautiful City in North Dakota.
  • The tree foliage at this time is magnificent.  Stop, look and enjoy as many are pretty, some are like artwork and some are just plain “majestic”.
  • A tree can look very nice, but its survival could be in danger.  Pruning and trimming are essential!                                  

Google,  “Tree Trimming, Why”: “Proper pruning encourages strong growth, increases flower and fruit production, improves plant health, and removes damaged limbs, all which give aesthetic appeal to a treePruning at the right time and in the right way is critical, since it is possible to kill a healthy tree through neglect or over-pruning”.                                                                               

A great resource for us is Randy Grueneich, our Extension Agent; randy.grueneich@ndsu.edu 

  •  Remember “Census 2020”; BE COUNTED!  Thank you.
  • “It’s never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else”.    (Regina Brett, 90 years old, writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

Dave Carlsrud

President Dave Carlsrud

07/13/2020 Mayor’s Message


Hi Everyone

  • Well, we know the COVID-19 “stuff” is blowing up around the country with a new surge as predicted by those “in-the-know”.  
  • We had a fantastic virus-testing event last Wednesday at the Winter Show and well over 500 people came. Sadly, only the first 500 could be tested.  Our City County Health Department, the National Guard and other volunteers organized and executed a very efficient plan.  The local Salvation Army crew furnished water and snacks for the workers.  THANKS EVERYONE J
  • The North Dakota COVID-19numbers reported from July 11th are quite high.  Hospitalizations are the highest since the inception of the epidemic L.  Again, YOU KNOW THE DRILL, please be diligent with your social distancing.
  • Do you know we have a Municipally Owned Electric Power Company?  We belong to Missouri River Energy Services (MRES), which affords us some of the best electrical rates around and approximately 84% is “green energy”.  Thanks to our city leaders of the time who had the foresight to contract with Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), approximately 73% of our electric power is from hydropower J
  • Remember “Census 2020”; BE COUNTED!  The Money generated for our cities, counties and states is critical for the services to which we have become accustomed.  Thank you.
  • The words that soak into your ears are whispered …. Not yelled.”     (A Cowboy’s Guide to Life)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Dave Carlsrud

President Dave Carlsrud

06/29/2020 Mayor’s Message


Hi Folks, A Few Notes

  • Holy smoke, The Fourth of July is NEXT Saturday!  How is that here already? I remember “old people” use to say “time goes so fast” and I didn’t understand it.  Though now I am one of those “old people” and I do understand! Enjoy the journey.
  • Last week a friend sent an interesting article concerning COVID-19, “The Risks – Know Them – Avoid Them”. The Author is Dr. Erin Bromage, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth erinbromage.com/post/the-risks-know-them-avoid-them.   It is an easy read; give it a shot. 

    An excerpt:  “Birthday parties/funerals: Just to see how simple infection-chains can be, this is a real story from Chicago. Bob was infected but didn’t know. Bob shared a takeout meal, served from common serving dishes, with 2 family members. The dinner lasted 3 hours. The next day, Bob attended a funeral, hugging family members and others in attendance to express condolences. Within 4 days, both family members who shared the meal were sick. A third family member, who hugged Bob at the funeral became sick. But Bob wasn’t done. Bob attended a birthday party with 9 other people. They hugged and shared food at the 3-hour party. Seven of those people became ill.

    But Bob’s transmission chain wasn’t done. Three of the people Bob infected at the birthday went to church, where they sang, passed the tithing dish etc. Members of that church became sick. In all, Bob was directly responsible for infecting 16 people between the ages of 5 and 86. Three of those 16 died.”
  • Last week VCSU and our community celebrated The Center for the Arts groundbreaking.  This $32M facility will enhance the already prestigious Fine Arts opportunities at VCSU.  The building will be a showplace and recruiting tool for students and our community.  Congratulations to all who worked so diligently to make this facility a reality.
  • Our weather has certainly begun feeling like summer!  North Dakota weather changes so quickly, we often have no chance for acclamation.  Oh well, let’s get out and enjoy it.  There are ballgames with kids of many ages playing, the swimming pool is open, golf is available, Lake Ashtabula, hiking, biking and many July 4th Celebrations.  As restrictions are relaxed, we must remember Social Distancing because IT WORKS.
  •  Equal rights; “Give every human being every right you claim for yourself.”    (Robert Green Ingersoll)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

Dave Carlsrud