2020 Arbor Day Proclamation

Whereas, In 1872 J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees, and

Whereas,  This holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska, and

Whereas,  Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and

Whereas,  Trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife, and

Whereas,  Trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires and countless other wood products, and

Whereas,  Trees in our city increase property values, enhance the economic vitality at business areas, and beautify our community, and

Whereas,  Trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal, and

Whereas,  Valley City has been recognized as a Tree City USA by The National Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue its tree‑planting ways,

Now, Therefore, I, Dave Carlsrud, President of the City of Valley City Commission, Valley City, North Dakota, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2020 as


In the City of Valley City and I urge all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support our city’s urban forestry program, and

FURTHER, I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the hearts and promote the wellbeing of present and future generations.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
April 21, 2020

Catholic Schools Week Proclamation

Whereas, Catholic schools play an important role in our community by furnishing our leaders of tomorrow with basic human, moral and spiritual foundations; and

Whereas,  Catholic schools strengthen the community and nation by keeping viable the right to freedom of religion under law; and

Whereas,  Catholic education is intended to fulfill a threefold purpose of message, community and service; and

Whereas, Catholic education has demonstrated its ability to contribute to the city’s welfare by raising levels of knowledge, competence and experience; and

Whereas, the National Catholic Educational Association, has declared January 26 through February 1, 2020 as the Catholic schools week with “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.” as the theme for 2020.

Therefore, I, Dave Carlsrud, President of the City of Valley City Commission, Valley City, North Dakota, in recognition of, and hereby declare January 26 through February 1, 2020 as Catholic Schools Week in Valley City, North Dakota.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
January 21, 2020

Proclamation for No Shave November

Whereas, the City of Valley City has partnered with Valley City Public Schools to support the Access for All Program, and

Whereas, the Access for All Program was established in February 2016, to address behavioral health needs of K-12 students, and

Whereas, the Education Foundation has partnered with the Village Family Service Center in Fargo to provide school-based behavioral health counseling in each of our schools, and is expanding, and

Whereas, the Valley City Public Schools and the City Commission invite the public to join in No Shave November as a fundraiser for Access for All program

Now, therefore, I, Dave Carlsrud, President of the City of Valley City Commission, Valley City, North Dakota, do hereby proclaim November 2019 as

No Shave November

In the City of Valley City and I urge all citizens to support efforts to raise awareness and funding for the Access for All program.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
November 5, 2019

Arbor Day 2019 Proclamation

Arbor Day Proclamation

Whereas, In 1872 J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees, and

Whereas,  This holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska, and

Whereas,  Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and

Whereas,  Trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife, and

Whereas,  Trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires and countless other wood products, and

Whereas,  Trees in our city increase property values, enhance the economic vitality at business areas, and beautify our community, and

Whereas,  Trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal, and

Whereas,  Valley City has been recognized as a Tree City USA by The National Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue its tree‑planting ways,

Now, Therefore, I, Dave Carlsrud, President of the City of Valley City Commission, Valley City, North Dakota, do hereby proclaim MAY 3, 2019, as


In the City of Valley City and I urge all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support our city’s urban forestry program, and

FURTHER, I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the hearts and promote the wellbeing of present and future generations.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
April 16, 2019


City Government Week Proclamation

City Government Week Proclamation

Whereas, city government is the government closest to most citizens and the one with the most direct daily impact upon its residents; and

Whereas,  city government is administered for and by its citizens and is dependent upon public commitment to and understanding of its many responsibilities; and

Whereas,  City government officials and employees share the responsibility to pass along their understanding of public services and their benefits; and

Whereas,  north Dakota city government week is a very important time to recognize the important role played by city government in our lives; and

Whereas,  the North Dakota League of Cities and its member cities seek to teach
students and other citizens about municipal government through a variety of different projects and information; and

Whereas,  North Dakota City Government Week offers an important opportunity to
convey to all citizens of North Dakota that they can shape and influence government through their civic involvement.

Now, Therefore, Be it resolved by the City of Valley City as follows:

Section 1. That the City of Valley City does encourage all citizens, city government officials and employees to do everything possible to ensure that this week is recognized and celebrated accordingly.

Section 2. That the City of Valley City does encourage educational parternships between city government and schools.

Section 3. That the City of Valley City does support and encourage all City Governments to actively promote and sponsor North Dakota City Government Week.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
April 2, 2019


Main Street ND Community Proclamation

Main Street ND Community Proclamation

Whereas,  the City of Valley City has made a commitment to developing a healthy, vibrant community through fiscally responsible planning and attracting the talent needed to support our growing economy; and

Whereas, this development has included actively working to differentiate and enhance the quality of life for residents through new and planned civic spaces and projects to enhance walkability; and

Whereas, innovative partnerships and planning have led to more efficient development and infrastructure through new and planned mixed-use development and in-fill; and

Whereas, the City of Valley City has committed to increasing the amount of community programming to expand resident and visitor experiences to increase vibrancy in the city; and

Therefore, Be it resolved that I, Dave Carlsrud, President of the Valley City Commission, do hereby proclaim on this day, January 15, 2019, that the City of Valley City shall join the Governor’s Main Street ND initiative and be known as a Main Street ND Community.

Let this proclamation support the continued success and efforts of our commission, staff, businesses and residents in creating a vibrant, engaged community.

Dave Carlsrud,  Commission President
January 15, 2019


Block Parties 2018 Proclamation

Whereas, block parties nationwide can help reduce crime by getting to know your neighbors and develop a sense of community; and

Whereas, block parties help to develop a sense of neighborhood spirit, safety and unity; and

Whereas, Valley City plays a vital role in assisting the Valley City Police
Department through joint crime, drug and violence prevention efforts in Valley City and is supporting block parties locally; and

Whereas, it is essential that all citizens of Valley City be aware of the importance of crime prevention programs and impact that their participation can have on reducing  crime, drugs and violence in Valley City; and

Whereas, police-community partnerships, neighborhood safety, awareness and cooperation are important to the life and health of a community;

Now Therefore, the Valley City Commission, hereby calls upon all citizens of Valley City to join with neighborhoods and communities across America to host or attend a block party in your neighborhood.

Further Let it be Resolved, that the Valley City Commission, hereby proclaims the summer and early fall in Valley City to be a time to get to know your neighbors and celebrate by hosting or attending a block party.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
June 19, 2018

Proclamation for Stroke Awareness Month

Whereas, anyone can be susceptible to a stroke regardless of age, sex, ability, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status; and

Whereas,  learning that a stroke is largely preventable and treatable; and knowing the warning signs is essential to survival and better outcomes and recovery; remember F.A.S.T.:   Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, it’s Time to call 911; and

Whereas,  Stroke Awareness Month provides an excellent opportunity for citizens to learn more about preventing and treating high blood pressure and leading a healthy lifestyle, and to show support for the local healthcare professionals who provide critical care, treatment services, and prevention assistance to those at risk of stroke and the general public at large; and

Now, Therefore, be it proclaimed on behalf of all the members of the Valley City Commission, staff, and residents of the City of Valley City, the month of May 2018 is to be observed as Stroke Awareness Month.

We urge our residents to be educated on the warning signs of stroke and talk to their Provider about healthy living to prevent a stroke.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
May 1, 2018


Arbor Day 2018

Whereas, In 1872 J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees, and

Whereas,  This holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska, and

Whereas,  Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and

Whereas,  Trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife, and

Whereas,  Trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires and countless other wood products, and

Whereas,  Trees in our city increase property values, enhance the economic vitality at business areas, and beautify our community, and

Whereas,  Trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal, and

Whereas,  Valley City has been recognized as a Tree City USA by The National Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue its tree‑planting ways,

Now, Therefore, I, Dave Carlsrud, President of the City of Valley City Commission, Valley City, North Dakota, do hereby proclaim MAY 4, 2018, as ARBOR DAY in the City of Valley City and I urge all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support our city’s urban forestry program, and

FURTHER, I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the hearts and promote the wellbeing of present and future generations.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
May 1, 2018


City Government Week 2018

Whereas, city government is the government closest to most citizens and the one with the most direct daily impact upon its residents; and

Whereas,  city government is administered for and by its citizens and is dependent upon public commitment to and understanding of its many responsibilities; and

Whereas,  City government officials and employees share the responsibility to pass along their understanding of public services and their benefits; and

Whereas,  north Dakota city government week is a very important time to recognize the important role played by city government in our lives; and

Whereas,  the North Dakota League of Cities and its member cities have joined together to teach students and other citizens about municipal government through a variety of different projects and information; and

Whereas,  North Dakota City Government Week offers an important opportunity to convey to all citizens of North Dakota that they can shape and influence government through their civic involvement.

Now, Therefore, Be it resolved by the City of Valley City as follows:

Section 1. That the City of Valley City does encourage all citizens, city government officials and employees to do everything possible to ensure that this week is recognized and celebrated accordingly.

Section 2. That the City of Valley City does encourage educational partnerships between city government and schools.

Section 3. That the City of Valley City does support and encourage all City Governments to actively promote and sponsor North Dakota City Government Week.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
April 3, 2018