03/08/2018 Finance Meeting Agenda

City Commission Finance Meeting
Thursday, March 8, 2018
3:30 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Agenda items

  1. Public Works reports.
  2. Review 2019-2021 Project Information and Planning Forms for Submittal to the State Water Commission (KLJ)
  3. Discuss changes to the Liquor Ordinance to allow for a brew/tap room license (City Attorney Mertins)
  4. Discuss changes to the Liquor Ordinance to make mandatory server training for all employees that serve/sell alcohol (Commissioner Bishop & President Carlsrud)
  5. Discuss jail (President Carlsrud)
  6. Discuss exception to Residency Requirement: The City of Valley City requires that an employee of the City live within 15 minutes of the City limits. The City Administrator may make exceptions to this policy if extenuating circumstances warrant such action.




Posted in Finance Meeting Agendas.