7/27/2020 Mayor’s Message

Greetings Everyone,

  • Wow, the number of virus cases just keeps climbing!  I wish there was something prophetic I could say to help you all understand what is happening with it.  The problem seems to be, no one has definite answers as this virus is new.  “We are plowing new ground” there is no history.   Barnes County is still doing pretty well so keep up your good social distancing efforts.
  • I had the privilege of meeting with Healthcare and Educational Leaders last week.  VCPS and VCSU have teams working diligently to find the safest ways for returning students to the classrooms.  A very challenging task.  That “new ground is being plowed” many decisions will be tough ones.  Please, as a community, let’s be patient, be grateful and be confident decisions will be based on the best information available.  A prayer could be appropriate.
  • While walking Valley City, it appears this will be a “bumper year” for apple production.  One danger would appear to be over production and broken trees. All trees require care, pruning can save your Apple Tree and produce more healthy fruit by providing light and air to the fruiting spurs.  Remember our NDSU Extension Agent, Randy Grueneich, is a great resource; randy.grueneich@ndsu.edu  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoCcC9Ll5nM
  • Saturday was, hot, humid and without much breeze. In spite of the aforementioned the 12th Annual Debbie Gabel Cancer Memorial Ride was held.  Numerous agencies serving people with cancer have and continue receiving monetary benefits from the event.  Thank you Rocky and the Thundering Saints.
  • In another “heat challenged” event, 16 teams competed in the Wiffle Ball World Series at Bob and Joni Bergan’s, Shane Roberts Field.  Chad Bergan, Pat Bresnahan and Trevor Christianson produced a first class event.  Tournament Directors presented a $2000.00 check to Andrea Nelson of the Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation, this year’s Hall of Fame Class was introduced, the Hi-Lite Dance Team performed, the AMVETS Color Guard presented the colors, Kensey Knight sang a beautiful rendition of our National Anthem and Minnesota Twin’s Announcer, Dick Bremer shared an introductory message to begin play.
  • “Oil all the wheels on your wagon, not just the squeaky one”  (Cowgirls’ Guide to Life)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.