12.14.2020 Mayor’s Message

Hello Everyone,

  • Good News:  Last year at this time our snow removal costs were about $60,000 over budget.  Not this year!
  • Pretty Good News:  In the 30-days during Governor Burgum’s Mask Mandate and other guidelines, North Dakota’s COVID numbers have been reduced. Thirty days went pretty fast and results were significant. Congratulations to you all as we are in this together and “thank you”. 
  • The other day I met with Bill Carlblom, Chairman of the Barnes County Commission, Josh Johnson, VCPS Superintendent and Al LaFave, VCSU President.  The monthly scheduled meetings are to share events in each of the areas and offer ideas for where we might partner. 
  • VCSU and VCPS have partnered to provide VCPS Students opportunities to earn dual credits and VCSU Students can student teach and do practicums.  It is a great collaboration benefitting all.  Congratulations and “thank you”.
  • While walking around town this past week, I have noticed more “lights of the season” are decorating homes, trees and shrubs.  Thank you, they are beautiful and help bring us some serenity.
  • Because it is important, I urge you again to please recycle cardboard.  Recycling is free, but cardboard in the garbage costs all of us as we pay for disposal.  Please recycle.  Thank you.

 “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”   (Martin Luther King Jr.)                                                   

Blessings, Pray, Be Safe and Be Kind,


Posted in Announcements.