2.15.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hello Folks,

  • February has seemed like the month where we begin crawling out of winter.  I have always felt once we hit February, we would have cold snaps, but they are shorter, so much for that theory. Oh well, patience, there is some warmer weather in the forecasts.
  • Be friendly spread some happiness.  Say “Hi” to people you don’t know, wave to people walking and driving.  “Reach out and touch someone” you haven’t visited in a while with a phone call.
  • “LOVE OF LOCAL” has a good start.  Remember to buy Chamber Bucks in the Rosebud Center at a discount and redeem them in Valley City businesses at full face value. Chamber Bucks cannot be deposited in your bank.  IT’S A GOOD DEAL!!
  • COVID VACCINATIONS, visit the City-County Health District website, citycountyhealth.org or call 845-8518.
  • The mitigations, washing hands, social distancing and masking when we can’t social distance, have put our area in a good position in the battle with COVID.  Please continue mitigating and with more vaccinations, we’ll have a chance!  Thank you for your efforts. 
  • Gosh this has been a long pull, about a year now and I have some “COVID Fatigue”.  This afternoon I was “short” in a statement to my wife, I don’t normally do that and she didn’t deserve it.  That said, I searched “behavior health” and found 1. Getting enough sleep. 2. Healthy eating.  3. Exercise can all help us feel better about life and ourselves.   4.  Practice gratitude, when I am thinking about all for which I have to be grateful, stress is greatly diminished.  
  •  “Don’t wait for people to be friendly, show them how.”      (Henry James)                                                    

Blessings, Pray, Be Safe and Be Kind,


Posted in Announcements.