4.29.2022 Daily Flood Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Gulmon

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Deputy Auditor Klein, and Administrative Assistant Johnson.

Rich-Pool elevation at Lake Ashtabula is 1265.00. Releases are at 4,030 cfs, inflows of 3,060 cfs. Warwick is at 1,040 cfs and holding, Cooperstown is steady at 1,760 cfs and slow decline and Bald Hill is at 528 cfs. Valley City is at 16.47 and a flow right about 4,550 cfs. Local inflow is right around 500 cfs. Precipitation at Bald Hill Dam was .9 inches of rain measured at 3 p.m. 5,500 somewhere around the 2nd or 3rd of May.  Trying to obtain an additional 1 foot of storage at Lake Ashtabula. The crew has been coordinating with Gwen for training and are available for anything that arises.  Levees are up to 20.5 ready for the 18.5 crest on Monday or Tuesday.  The 17.5 south of town may happen earlier.

Gwen-Training tonight at 6 p.m. and tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the fire hall. You are required to go to the training in order to volunteer.  There are 4-hour increments for up to 8 hours.  We are also taking volunteers to answer the hotline during the day.

Clint-Rain isn’t helping us, there is standing water everywhere.  We have more pumps than we’ve ever had running and they’re having trouble keeping up.  We are calling in more pumps and doing what we can with what we have.  If you see standing water you are encouraged to call. 

Sue-Guys were checking the county bridges and got some jams cleaned up.  Hi-Soaring Eagle Ranch has moved to town.  Tomorrow the river might be around 17.1 which will close the bridges to the south probably around mid-morning, an Everbridge notification will go out.

Carl-Looking for volunteers to walk the levees, the hotline is 701-8907848 call to volunteer and to get the facts. Training tonight at 6 p.m. and tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the firehall.

Dave-BEK has continued to broadcast the meetings and CSI 10 and 68-24 hours a day until the next meeting.

Scott-Training sessions in training room if you are going to walk the levees come in the north doors. 

Gwen-refrain from using unnecessary water.  The carwashes and laundromats have been contacted.  The master lift is doing its job but it’s working hard. 

Dave-stay off the levees, they will be slippery, this also means no fishing.  It can be up to a $500 fine.

Brian Yanish-No new updates as far as school, everything that was in place will remain the same.

Dave-Finance agenda next week has one item so we will meet at 4:30 and there will be flood meetings all weekend at 4 p.m.

Sue-Questions on the south bridges call 701-845-8510.  An Everbridge notification will go out.  We cannot give an exact time on anything closing as the water is in control.  If you are not signed up for Everbridge call 845-8181 to get signed up.

Dave-Thanks to those that came today for the training.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:21 PM.

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