5.3.2022 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon, Commissioner Magnuson (4:03)

Others Present:  City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Department Reports

Commissioner Erickson reported for sanitation that the transfer station will be open on Saturdays from 8 a.m.-noon.

Water Superintendent Hesch reported not much different from last time. Water table is fairly high, aquifer is looking good. Pumpage has been down, people are listening when they have been asked to conserve water usage. Right now, we have no issues getting chemicals.   

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported 1 outage-secondary fault by Riverview Drive.  Making arrangements to get that replaced.  It’s the second fault so we’ll replace as needed.  Getting prepared for summer.

Fire Chief Magnuson reported days away from building being completed.  Rescue truck should be here by the end of the week.

Police Chief Hatcher reported that they made their final hire and are fully staffed again.  The new hire will start June 1st and is coming from Grafton with about 12 years of service. New engine in one vehicle and other vehicle will be built the end of May.

Operations Supervisor Klemisch reported Nick Yokom passed his test and is now a fully certified operator for our systems.

City Administrator Crawford reported on the plan moving forward.  We had a meeting regarding the flood walls and how they will be put back. Cory and Marshall were put in charge of this and they would like to have sections of the flood wall be color coated and stenciled so next time anyone can do it and the time to do it will be significantly reduced.

Clint added that we can make a slow return to normal and would like the river at 12’ before we have people go back to complete normal meaning until then to still conserve water when possible.  The car washes are now open but we’d like people to limit washing their cars. All pumps running at 17’, if one goes down at that time we have to pump back into the river and then we have to get the health department involved.  On a normal day we pump around 700,000 gallons in a 24-hour period.  Last 19-hour time stamp we were over 2.5 million gallons. We need to decide what to do with the clay.

Gwen added that we’ve been trying to keep notes throughout all this so we can make sure our permanent flood protection plans that are in place align with the process and will make changes as needed.

The flood hotline will be cancelled after today.

Rich said the current outflow will be held today.  The will continue to monitor and adjust as needed as there is another system of precipitation coming through. 

Review the monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter broke down the $2,138,000 million in expenditures for April.

Discuss VCSU Application for Tourism Development Grant/Loan.

Mary Lee Nielson with the Visitor’s Committee reported this was a unanimous recommendation from the Visitor’s Committee.  It was also put on that you pay $75,000 minimum/year but we would like if you are able to pay more to do that to help pay things down earlier and save money.

Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at ­4:50 PM.

Posted in Announcements, Finance Meeting Minutes.