7.12.2022 Planning and Zoning Minutes

Chair Mike Schell presided and called the meeting to order 4:00pm on Tuesday, July 12th, 2022. Committee Members present: Dave Carlsrud, Jim Wright, Jeff Erickson, and Bobby Koepplin. Absent: Joe Faure and Bill Carlblom.
Others: City Attorney Carl Martineck, City Administrator Gwen Crawford, City Planner Joel Quanbeck, Acting Secretary Tina Current, Building Inspector/ Assistant Fire Chief Lance Coit.
Audience members: Ross Powell, City Assessor Sandy Hansen
Jim Wright moved to approve the minutes of the June 14th, 2022 regular meeting seconded by Dave Carlsrud, followed by roll call and approval.
Building Inspector Report
Building Inspector Mike Blevins had sent an email of the year to date permit report. In 2022 there has been 29 permits with a valuation of $3,424,399. There has been one new Commercial permit for the 845 Holdings.
City Attorney Carl Martineck spoke about an ordinance change. The Planning and Zoning Board now has the final say on variances. The agenda said it would be a recommendation to the city commission. That is no longer the procedure and will be fixed on the next agenda.
Public Hearing for of Replat Drake’s Second Addition a replat of lots 1 & 2 of Drake’s First Addition and portion of an unplatted parcel within the N ½ of Section 27, T140N, R58W.
Chair Schell opened the public hearing. With no discussion, Bobby Koepplin made a motion to approve the Drake replat with conditions Quanbeck listed in his materials provided to the members:
a. that Lots 1 and 2 of Drake’s Second Addition be granted a sideyard setback variance matching distances between existing structures and the proposed side lot lines,
b. that Lot 2 be granted a minimum lot of size and minimum lot width variance matching the area and width of the proposed Drake’s Second Addition, and
c. that the Drake’s Second Addition preliminary plat be recommended for approval to the Board of City Commissioners on the condition that existing easements are shown on the plat and extended to edge of the replatted lot(s) where necessary to accommodate potential extension of facilities. Jeff Erickson seconded followed by unanimous board approval.
Public Hearing for Variance Application for wheelchair ramp at 452 5th Ave NE
Chair Schell opened the public hearing for a variance request for a wheelchair ramp. Property owner and landlord Ross Powell explained the VA had contacted him and asked if they could put in a wheelchair ramp for his current tenant. The sketch they had presented to Powell is different than the ramp that was installed. The current ramp is in violation of code because it is too close to the sidewalk. Erickson asked if the ramp could be in the back of the house Powell said it would not work back there. The board asked Martineck if a special use permit would be better. Martineck said no, that would not work in this case. Schell commented VCMC Section 11-07-07 (2) indicates all five criteria listed under it must be met for a variance to be approved and the criteria had been met. Koepplin made a motion to approve with the conditions, that if the tenant moves out the ramp needs to be removed, and the ramp needs to be kept clean of weeds and grass. Wright seconded followed by roll call and unanimous board approval.
Discuss Extraterritorial Map
Chair Schell turned the conversation over to City Administrator Gwen Crawford. Crawford presented a new map with the extraterritorial marked out and asked the board to look over the map. The current map will be what goes forward to the next step of areas to get zoned. A copy of the map will be taken to The Barnes County Planning and Zoning. Every year in December a new map will be created with any updates.
With no other items to discuss, Chair Schell called for the meeting to close at 4:26pm.

Posted in Planning & Zoning Minutes.