8.2.2022 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop and Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Gulmon, Commissioner Magnuson via Zoom

Others Present:  City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reminded everyone to have their garbage set out before 7:00 AM.  There are a couple of employees that are working towards their CDL.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch reported we are dry now and people are out watering.  Water usage for July was 34,543,000 and in June it was 29,360,000 and the average has gone from June 980,000 to 1,114,000 in July.  The Department of Environmental Quality came for an inspection and we received 5 stars.  We are working on making sure every building has a meter in it so we can account for all the water.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported 3 outages-1 pump failed splice and 2 trees.  There were 4 new businesses or buildings that needed hook ups.  Gaukler’s is ready to go when the meters come in.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson reported on the fire report for July. 

Police Department

Police Chief Hatcher reported there were interviews for the open position taking place and one that will have a background check take place.

Street Department

Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported the hydrants have been flushed.  There was another leak in Crestwood that was fixed and looks like a fresh slide happened.  Next week school crossings will be starting to get painted. The annual master lift cleaning is scheduled for the night of August 11th.

Review monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Richter reported $1,295,553.85 of expenditures for July.

Discuss Addition of 7th St NW to Storm Water Phase II

Chad Petersen stated it was discussed adding 5th Ave to 6thAve to this project due to it being in poor condition and having no infrastructure.  There is also 7th St NW corridor between 6th Ave and 5th Ave and the watermain along that corridor.  That was last overlaid in 2002, the storm sewer is in good shape.  Due to the watermain being old and the road being in poor condition and that being an outlier we are looking to tie that on to this bigger project and we are looking for a consensus to do this.

Gwen and Clint discussed other infrastructure projects that they have been working on that need repairs but are not part of any other projects.

Discuss NW Expansion Proposal

City Administrator Crawford stated Valley Realty is in the process of purchasing 10 acres west of 9th Ave NW to develop into single home lots.  They are requesting 12th St NW be extended approximately 800 feet to a proposed intersection with a road to be named 12th Ave NW.  They are also requesting the City to extend the services to this intersection.  Next year there is the water tower study so we would have to discuss if this is something, we would want to do so we know what to move forward with a water tower.  Chad Petersen added that if this is something that will move forward, we will need to allow time to work with the railroad to get right of way for the 12th St corridor to extend.

Commission requested additional information to review such as how many homes, timeline and if the ARPA money can be used.

Discuss Adjusted Role for Gloria

City Administrator Crawford stated with the additional job duties in that role such as the upcoming CDL training we are proposing promoting Gloria to a B32 from her current B31.

Discuss Next Steps for Remnants after Fire at 925 2nd St SE.

City Attorney Martineck will meet with Scott and Gwen and develop the most time efficient plan to move forward.

Discuss Ordinance to Amend and Reenact sections of the Valley City Municipal Code Related to Parking and Storage of Vehicles, Boats and Trailers.

Meetings will take place with the Police Chief, City Attorney, City Administrator, Commissioner Erickson and Commissioner Bishop to discuss the specifics.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:45 PM.

Posted in Announcements, Finance Meeting Minutes.