1.29.2023 Mayor’s Message

Hello Folks,

  • While we were walking over the weekend, we needed a little warmer clothing than we have needed for a while and the ice is much harder and more slippery! Be aware, be safe.
  • Last Saturday Sue (How’s that Jim?) and I attended a robotics meet at The HAC.  There were eleven teams competing from Grand Forks to Groton, SD and points in between.  The engineering skills these young people possess and utilize are remarkable.  They designed machines for this competition that can pick up discs and throw them like Frisbees into baskets ….. really!  Watch for next year’s meet in Valley City and take a little time to attend, I think you’ll be amazed.  For further information contact Annette Beattie: annette.beattie@k12.nd.us
  • Our electric power provider, Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) originated in 1965 and Valley City became a member in 1979.  The Municipal Joint Action Agency has been providing us with reliable electric power, good rates and management services ever since.  Thank you to the folks in 1979 who voted to become a member of the MRES family.
  • Behavioral Health is a growing issue in our society.  There are any number of things in life nowadays that can stress one’s emotional wellbeing, from cyberbullying to addictions.  That I am in recovery, I know situations can feel overwhelming, but there is help.  Talk with a friend, a clergy person, a doctor or call City County Health (701-845-8518) to begin.
  • Will you perform some acts of kindness this week?
  • Remember our State Legislature is in session now.  To track bills, hearings and the like, see https://www.ndlegis.gov/assembly/68-2023/regular – there’s lots of “stuff” there.
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.
  • Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits.”                   ~ ShutterStock

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Posted in Announcements.