4.5.2023 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commission Erickson and Commissioner Gulmon

Others Present:  City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Deputy Auditor Klein, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Commission Topics

Discussion took place around updating flood books.

VCSU President Allan LaFave and Larry Robinson presented Mayor Carlsrud with the Distinguished Service Award.

Department Reports

Sanitation Department

City Administrator Crawford reported that the transfer station was closed due to weather but there was a truck out picking up garbage.  They got to almost everything but due to snow in some areas they couldn’t get to it all.  We will open the station again for those that want to bring their household garbage there for free.

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch stated the LED lighting is almost finished and the rebates have been turned in. One chemical we currently use will be discontinued so we are working on the replacement.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported they have been working on flood related items. One outage last month due to a blown fuse.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson reported on the calls for service for March. We are working on purchasing a new rescue boat and will use some of the money from our fundraiser, insurance and some county money.

Reported on the fire extinguisher business.

Police Department

Police Chief Hatcher provided an update. Also thanked VCSU for allowing people to park in their lot during the storm to get them off the road.

Street Department

Commissioner Erickson reported on behalf of the street department.  They are currently running 12-hour shifts.  There was some concern with the weight of the snow and if they would be able to push it over the banks.  They are working hard and doing what they can, there will be some streets that are narrowing.


Deputy Auditor Klein walked through the quarterly engineering report and also that the auditors were here last week and kept us busy but things are going well.

City Administrator Crawford stated Lance had worked on getting a 5-year plan together for FEMA which has gotten us to a 9, where we can get a 5% discount on flood related items.

Review monthly bills/reports

Deputy Auditor Klein reported $1,577,832.72 of expenditures for March.

Discuss Quotes for Mowing.

City Administrator Crawford stated our part-time help will not be coming back this summer, Bruce has decided not to come back. We decided to put it out for quotes.  Recommendation is to go with Eek Ink Mowing.

Discuss Sale of Land in the NW Industrial Park.

Jennifer is requesting the purchase of property due to an interested buyer.  Requesting the specials being paid as part of the purchase and any amount remaining be retained with the Development Corporation and used for economic development.

Discuss Purchase of Flatbed Truck.

City Administrator Crawford presented the various uses for this truck.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:16 PM.

Posted in Finance Meeting Minutes.