7.16.2024 Commission Minutes

City Commission Meeting
Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Gulmon

Others: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Klein, Police Chief Horner, Administrative Assistant Hintz



Request to Add N4. Approve Recommended Changes to Valley City Urban Functional Classification System.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously.


Commissioner Bishop moved to approve minutes from the 6.28.24 Special Meeting and the 7.2.24 Finance Commission Meetings, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Request made by President Carlsrud to include the Minutes in the Consent Agenda moving forward.


  1. Approve 2024-25 Contractor License for Meridian Commercial Construction, LLC of Fargo, ND.
  2. Approve 2024-25 Contractor License for Fargo Glass & Paint Co of Fargo, ND. 
  3. Approve Raffle Permit for the North Dakota Quarter Horse Association on 9.2.2024 at the NDWS Facility.
  4. Approve Raffle Permit for The Hi-Liners Booster Club on 9/6, 9/20, 10/4 & 10/11, 2024 at Hanna Field.
  5. Approve the 2024-25 Alcoholic Beverage License Renewals:
  6. Hi-Line Hospitality dba City Lights
  7. Bridges Bar & Grill
  8. The Reserve at Woodland

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon.  Motion passed unanimously.


Approve First Reading of Ordinance 1157, An Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Section 12-05-03 of the Valley City Municipal Code Relating to Removal of Weeds and Grass. New procedure on Notifications of Violations for Grass and Weed Mowing. 1 Notification per Year, not per Violation.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Motion passed unanimously.


Approve Resolution 2452, a Resolution Amending the Master Fee Schedule. Amending andRevising the entire Master Fee Schedule with up to date Fees & Charges for Services from all Departments.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously.


Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $2,152,095.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson.  Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Commissioner Erickson’s Appointment to Barnes County Planning and Zoning Commission.

Commissioner Gulmon moved to approve seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Appointments for the Following Committees and Terms:

Ian Jacobson to the Planning & Zoning Committee – 4 Year Term.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve when confirmed a City Employee can Legally Serve on this Committee, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon. Motion passed unanimously.

Paul McDonald to the Renaissance Zone Committee – 3 Year Term.

Cal Lee to the Visitor Committee – 4 Year Term.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Gulmon. Motion passed unanimously.

Approve Recommended Changes to Valley City Urban Functional Classification System. Discussed at the March 5, 2024, Finance Meeting but need Approval.

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion passed unanimously.


City Administrator Crawford thanked the Public Works Crew for the work they did during and after the storm early Monday morning. Thank you to Finance Director Klein with all the prep work on the 2025 Budget and to all the Department Heads for getting your information into Brenda.  Thank you to the Portfolio Holders as well.

Engineer Petersen gave an update on the Construction Projects happening around town. The Crews are working around the weather delays as much as possible.

Mayor Carlsrud echoed City Administrator Crawford’s Thank You regarding the 2025 Budget & Cleanup after the Storm. Thanks to all of our Employees, we have a wonderful Staff and we are grateful for that.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 P.M.

Posted in Announcements, City Commission, City Commission Minutes.