Vice Chair Dave Carlsrud presided and called the meeting to order at 4:00 on Tuesday February 11th, 2025.
Commissioners present: Bill Carlblom, Ian Jacobson, Joe Tykwinski, Jeff Erickson, Tim Durheim
Commissioners Absent: Mike Schell
Others: City Attorney Carl Martineck, City Planner Joel Quanbeck, City Assessor / Acting Secretary Tina Current, Fire Chief / Building Inspector Lance Coit. City Engineer Chad Petersen (KLJ), City Engineer Tracy Eslinger (Moore), George Gaukler, Joan Carlblom, Sherry Johnson, Steve Sather.
Commissioner Bill Carlblom moved to approve the minutes from the January 14th, 2025 meeting seconded by Commissioner Tim Durheim. Motion passed with unanimous approval.
Building Inspector Report
Fire Chief / Building Inspector Lance Coit gave a update on the current building permits. There is one permit for a sign and no other new permits. Coit also reported he is working with City Attorney Carl Martineck and FEMA on revising the City’s ordinance to be able to do little bit more in the floodplain.
Public Hearing for Replat of Country Club Estates PUD
City Planner Joel Quanbeck reported some background on the plat and what the proposed changes will be with the replat.
George Gaukler spoke about the replat. He reported this replat would clean up the area better and also create three more buildable lots. They would build a road to the new three lots with an emergency vehicle turn around in the back.
Commissioner Bill Carlblom made a motion to approve the plat with the following conditions
a. The items previously noted as “additional subdivision design requirements that are not needed
to review and approve a preliminary plat” be provided for the record and meet city engineering
b. Seven-foot setbacks on all sides of Lots 5, 6, and 7 be required, and seven-foot setbacks
should be required for the side and rear yards of Lots 1-4 except where the twin home footprints
c. The applicant shall give satisfactory assurance of the provision of all site improvements for the
proposed development as required by VCMC Section 16-01-06, and that all applicable design
standards are met.
d. The proposed T turnaround easement be obtained from current landowner.
e. There must be a Homeowners Association Agreement or a document of a similar nature with
required membership of all property owners within the PUD. This Agreement must address and
ensure maintenance of the shared common space private drive and T turnaround.
f. The applicant shall provide signed purchase agreements from each landowner that is going to obtain more land.
g. A developer’s agreement reviewed and acceptable to the City Attorney must be provided.
Seconded by Commissioner Jeff Erickson. The motion was approved unanimously by a roll call vote.
Discuss application process for zoning nonconformities
City Attorney presented Ordinance NO 1170 – an ordinance to amend and reenact Chapter 11-08 of the Valley City Municipal Code related to zoning nonconformities.
Commissioner Bill Carlblom made a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of ordinance NO 1170. Seconded by Ian Jacobson. Followed by roll call and unanimous approval.
Discuss land use complaints in Legacy West PUD
City Attorney explained the complaints the city has received on the Legacy West PUD. The complaints are about the equipment parked there and the large dirt piles. Fire Chief / Building Inspector Lance Coit spoke about the items the owner did clean up in the area. The owner cleaned up some of it but not all of it. The planning and zoning commission agreed that the area needs to be cleaned up. The recommendation was to send a letter to the land owner and explain what needs to be cleaned up and include a deadline for completion.
With no other items to discuss, Vice Chair Carlsrud called the meeting to close at 4:40pm