02/06/2018 City Commission Agenda

City Commission Meeting
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
5:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Approval of Agenda – Consent D, Remove N1

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from January 16 and January 26, 2018 meetings

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $2,349,194.09
  3. Approve raffle permits for Barnes County Ducks Unlimited, Native American Culture Club, North American Game Warden Museum
  4. Approve mechanical contractor license for Dakota Plains Mechanical

Roll Call:          Pedersen           Powell              Magnuson        Bishop        Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


R1. Approve Resolution No. 2125, a resolution to amend a fee for parking tickets (City Attorney Mertins)

Roll Call:          Bishop              Magnuson        Pedersen           Powell        Carlsrud

R2. Approve Resolution No. 2126, a resolution determining sufficiency of protest for Paving Improvement District No. 117 (City Auditor Richter)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Pedersen           Powell              Bishop              Carlsrud

R3. Approve Resolution 2127, Accepting Final Plans and Specifications for Paving Improvement District No. 117 and authorizing Engineer to advertise for bid.

Roll Call:          Powell              Bishop              Magnuson        Pedersen            Carlsrud

New Business

N1. REMOVED: Consider City Commission’s Committee for Substance Abuse (President Carlsrud)

N2. Approve sale of Lot 6, Riverview Drive Third Addition for $7,013 (City Administrator Schelkoph)

Roll Call:          Pedersen           Bishop              Powell              Magnuson            Carlsrud

N3. Approve Application for Property Tax Exemption for Improvement to 240 13th St NE (City Assessor Hansen)

Roll Call:          Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

N4. Approve Application for Property Tax Exemption for Improvement to 426 3rd St NW (City Assessor Hansen)

Roll Call:          Bishop              Pedersen           Magnuson        Powell              Carlsrud

N5. Approve Memorandum of Understanding between State of ND ITD and City of Valley City for statewide interoperable radio network (City Attorney Mertins)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Pedersen           Powell              Carlsrud

N6. Award bid for demolition of Elevators & Steel Bins located at Mill Dam to Swanberg Construction in the amount of $164,500.00. (City Administrator Schelkoph)

Roll Call:          Pedersen           Magnuson        Powell              Bishop              Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report

City Updates & Commission Reports


Posted in City Commission Agendas.