04/02/2019 Commission Minutes

Valley City Commission Proceedings
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
5:00 PM, City Hall

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Powell, Commissioner Erickson.

Others Present: City Administrator Schelkoph, City Auditor Richter, City Attorney Martineck, City Assessor Hansen, Public Works Accountant Jacobson, Building/Fire Inspector Andersen, Fire Chief Magnuson, Police Chief Hatcher, Deputy Auditor Klein, Chad Petersen from KLJ.

Mayor for a Day

President Carlsrud recognized Mayor for a Day essay winner Journey Cruff.

City Government Week Proclamation

President Carlsrud read the City Government Week Proclamation.

Presentation of Safe Drinking Water Act Certificate of Achievement

President Carlsrud recognized Wade Hesch and Sherry Keyes for their efforts to maintain safe drinking water.

Approval of Agenda

Addition of Consent G

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes from the March 19, 2019 and March 28, 2019 meetings, seconded by Commissioner Powell. The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $1,729,448.34
  3. Approve Application to Block off Street for Sheyenne Valley Backing the Badge 6K Run on May 4, 2019 for route as submitted
  4. Approve Application to Block off Street for Sheyenne Valley Soapbox Derby on June 8-9, 2019 on Central Avenue from 3rd Street N to 9th Street N
  5. Approve Raffle Permits for Education Foundation for Valley City Public Schools, St. Catherine’s Parish – KC’s, Valley City Area Chamber of Commerce, Valley City High School DECA
  6. Approve Tree Trimming & Removal Service License for Mike’s Construction & Repair
  7. Approve Raffle Permit for APOC

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.


Approve Resolution No. 2194, a Resolution Approving Final Plans and Specifications for Permanent Flood Protection Phase 2A and Permanent Flood Protection Phase 3 and Authorizing Engineer to Advertise for Bids

Chad Petersen from KLJ stated Phase 2A is an extension for a pump station at Bettin’s. Phase 3 is floodwall to protect Master Lift Station. The estimated cost of $4.5 million and the bid opening is scheduled for April 30.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve Resolution No. 2194, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Commissioner Erickson inquired if ladders or cages are required for safety. Petersen stated those details are being finalized. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Approve VCFD Officer List
Commissioner Powell moved to approve the VCFD officer list, seconded by Commissioner Bishop.

Commissioner Magnuson requested to abstain. Commissioner Bishop moved to have Commissioner Magnuson abstain, seconded by Commissioner Powell. Motion carried.

The motion passed unanimously.

President Carlsrud administered the Oath of Office for Assistant Fire Chief, Lance Coit.

Fire Chief Magnuson recognized the 2019-2020 officers: Captain/Training Officer Jeffrey Schlittendhardt, 508 Lieutenant Duane Magnuson, 505 Lieutenant Matthew Miller, 503 Lieutenant Matthew Jenrich, 502 Lieutenant Michael Wadeson, 501 Lieutenant Jason Runge, Secretary/Treasurer Gary Peterson, Chaplin Dave Montecullo. Magnuson thanked their spouses for their support.

Approve bid for new sander truck
City Administrator Schelkoph reported multiple bids were received for the new sander truck. Street Superintendent Differding and City Administrator Schelkoph recommend purchase of Peterbilt 348 grouped with Highway Sander Body from Sanitation Products in the amount of $147,010.00. Commissioner Bishop inquired if maintenance work can be done here. Schelkoph confirmed on-site maintenance will be done. Schelkoph reported tandem axle will allow for more efficiency. City will keep one sander truck for backup.

Commissioner Erickson moved to approve the purchase as recommended for a Peterbilt 348 grouped with Highway Sander Body from Sanitation Products in the amount of $147,010.00, seconded by Commissioner Bishop. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve 2019 City Forester Contract
City Administrator Schelkoph reported Willis Wagar is willing to serve as City Forester for 2019 season. Commissioner Powell moved to approve the 2019 City Forester Contract, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

City Administrator’s Report

City Administrator Schelkoph reported Barnes County has declared an emergency. New forecast is below 15’ flood minor stage. BC Commission approved joint sandbag center, if needed.

May 6 – 10, 2019 is Clean up Week. Do’s and don’ts are listed on the city website.

City Updates & Commission Reports

City Attorney Martineck thanked Mayor Cruff for her participation.

Assessor Hansen stated the Board of Equalization meeting will be held April 9 at 4:00 PM. To appeal property valuation, property owners need to begin at the city meeting.

Chad Petersen from KLJ stated the bid opening for Paving Improvement Districts No. 119 & 119B is tomorrow. The last column was poured for Permanent Flood Protection Phase II, work will continue south of Hub Mac.

Commissioner Powell asked the public to watch for bicycles and pedestrians.

Commissioner Bishop thanked the firemen and police officers for their work.

President Carlsrud thanked Journey Cruff for an excellent essay and her family for their support. Carlsrud thanked the volunteer firefighters for taking care of the city and rural areas.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:39 P.M.

Dave Carlsrud, President of the
City of Valley City Commission

Attested to by:
Avis Richter, City Auditor
City of Valley City

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