05/25/2020 Mayor’s Message


  • Monday was Memorial Day.  It is a solemn day remembering all military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.  Please take some time to remember a family member or friend who served our county allowing us to be free.
  • Freedoms, as mentioned above, a blessing or a curse?  With “North Dakota Smart Restart” (NDSR), we can enjoy more freedoms though a wrong choice could put you and others in harms way.  Just because we are FREE to do something doesn’t mean it is the best for us.  Near us numbers of positive tests continue rising creating greater risks.  Please be smart with your decisions, as of Sunday, ND has 1265 positive tests this month.
  • Our Chamber of Commerce and local businesses are diligently researching the safest ways to provide activities for this summer; watch for them. 
  • Do you find yourself in a “funk” over this virus “stuff” occasionally?  I do.  One of the best things for me is to get out for a walk, mow the lawn, ride a bike, trim a tree or sometimes just stepping outside and taking some “deep cleansing breaths”.  “Get up, get dressed and get going”!
  •  “To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world.(Charlie Brown)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,

Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.