12.1.2020 Finance Meeting Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:31 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Deputy Auditor Klein, Public Works Accountant/Manager Jacobson, City Assessor Hansen, Police Chief Hatcher, Chad Petersen from KLJ, Wade Hesch, Gloria Swart, Clint Klemisch(3:50).

1.  Department Reports:

            Wade Hesch reported water tower inspections took place this last month.  Inside the stand pipe they found caulking debris from the seams.   Those will need to be resealed.  There doesn’t seem to be any leaking right now.  The NW tower west of Dairy Queen is in poor shape inside.  It will need some refurbishing.  That will need to be taken off line for a couple of weeks and probably move those people to the stand pipe.  The Water Plant had its membrane replacement finished and is on track and running fine.  We will have Stew from Water Smith do some test drilling to see if there is a more productive spot for a well.

            Fire Chief Magnuson reported they are not doing any drills due to COVID and they are doing what they can to keep everyone safe while maintaining safe distances when possible.  The FD, Rescue and City Crew worked together to remove a log and some branches from the river.  It has been a nuisance previously and the removal went well.   

            Clint Klemisch reported the Superintendent for the diving team was very concerned with the NW water tower.  They gave a timeframe of 2-3 years before failure so this will need to be put on the hot list.  The inert cell should be wrapped up in about a week.  We have been participating in the waste water COVID testing with the Health Department.   We received the chemical to finish the winterization of fire hydrants this week.

            Police Chief Hatcher stated they are starting to do some work with the policy and procedure manual. Other than that just trying to stay healthy.

            Gloria Swart reported they are still trying to get everybody to comply with the two 32 gallon cans and to encourage recycling so there isn’t as much to haul to Fargo.

2.  Review monthly bills/reports.

Finance Director Richter reported $1.4 million in bills for the month.  Interest payments for bonds. PFP we aren’t having as much this time of year but it is around $70,000.  We also had about $70,000 that we paid to Economic Development that was requested at the last meeting.  Construction projects we had about $260,000 paid out.  The rest is operating expenses we have every month.

3.  Review proposed Public Works Capital and Operating Budgets for FY21.

            Public Works Manager Jacobson explained the breakdown of the capital budget and     summarized the operations budget.

4.  Discuss 2021 Application to Operate Mobile Home Park for

            a. Rockwater LLC

            b. Richard Plecity Trailer Court

            City Administrator Crawford reported Richard Pelcity Trailer Court should only have 3 lots     listed but since their State license shows 5 it will remain at 5.  We’ll be adding a line asking for the State license on our applications. With Rockwater there were concerns with some of the trailer homes in that park and if they are    still suitable and some of the junk that is laying around there.  The trailer that had the fire will be moved within the next couple of weeks.

City Attorney Martineck stated the thought was to create a list of needs in those areas, send it out and see what kind of reaction we get and the steps to take following.

5.  Discuss State Water Commission Agreement for Cost Share Reimbursement for Mill Dam. 

            Chad Petersen from KLJ reported that last spring this was presented to the Commission.  After that meeting the cost share request was submitted to the SWC in April.  That was on the timeline when the requests were being tabled due to the funding at that level.  It has now been brought back forward.  Total estimated cost is $99,500 and this type of project is funded at 75/25%. Local cost share amount would be $74,625.  This is on the meeting tonight for action.

6City County Health Cost share

            President Carlsrud stated the CCH put a program together for the mask mandate along with estimated costs and requested the City help with some of the costs.

            Commissioner Gulmon stated some of the requested funds were to assist with the marketing costs before the Governor came out with the state mandate.  Would there be a need for that now?

            City Administrator Crawford also added that Blake Crosby from NDLC was contacted and informed us that no additional funds other than what was already received would be sent to help with the costs.

            Consensus is to help with $1200 for kits.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:55 PM.

Posted in Announcements, Finance Meeting Minutes.