1.30.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everybody,

  • Last Saturday there was a Robotics Tournament at Washington School with eighteen teams from ND, SD and MN competing in the school’s gymnasium.  Students in these tournaments require knowledge in design, construction operation and use of the robots; watching them is absolutely fascinating.  The next time a robotics event is near you, go in and see what they are doing.  Oh yah, they also had a “killer” concession stand!  Thank you for your invitation.
  • Street crews have been hauling snow from medians and some corners, but snow has been falling at a greater rate than they can haul it. L  Please be patient, drive according to conditions and know that conditions are not the best right now.  Go a little slower.
  • Saturday evening the VCFD held its Ladies Appreciation & Awards Banquet.  Our VCFD boasts 35 volunteer firefighters who, study, drill and test so they can maximize their abilities for our safety.  That means time away from home is necessary and though training is scheduled, fire and rescue calls happen “anytime”!  That means firefighters have to rush away from Thanks giving Dinners, Christmas with families, church and kids’ ballgames to name a few.  Considering the aforementioned, spouses, children and significant others must be very supportive of the firefighter so we can be protected.  Please say “thank you” to firefighters and their families.
  • This week’s COVID is a little less grim; though please respect it as it is still attacking the unvaccinated.
  • ** Please license your pets!
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”                                                                 (Maya Angelou)             Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


Posted in Announcements.