Governor Burgum Orders Access Restrictions for On-Site Dining Establishments & Recreational Facilities

Pursuant to Executive Order of Governor Doug Burgum, as of 12:00 PM (noon) on Friday March 20, 2020:

1.            All restaurants, bars, breweries, cafes and similar on-site dining establishments in North Dakota are closed to on-sale/on-site patrons; take-out, delivery, drive-through or off-sale services may continue;

2.            Recreational facilities, health clubs, athletic facilities and theaters, including movie theater and music or entertainment venues are directed to close and cease operations.

A violation of Executive Order 2020-06 is an Infraction subject to a fine of up to one thousand dollars for each violation.

Essential businesses such as grocery stores, convenience stores, and gas stations are not affected by the order except to the extent that they provide on-site dining.

All businesses and organizations are highly encouraged to be proactive in adopting policies and procedures that promote social distancing and clean, sanitary spaces.

The City also encourages residents to avoid non-essential travel, avoid groups of 10 or more people, and practice social distancing, pursuant to guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control and the President of the United States.  We can all help to slow the spread of COVID-19.

03/18/2020 City Operations Update re: COVID-19

For the latest City Operations & Information, please see

On Wednesday March 17, Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud declared a state of emergency as a proactive measure to assist in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Not only will the emergency declaration allow the City to tap into state and federal resources and funding if necessary, but the City will be better positioned to take actions that protect the health and safety of Valley City employees and residents.

Pursuant to the Mayor’s emergency powers, and in consultation with city staff, the doors to City Hall, Public Works Service Center, Transfer Station, Water Treatment Plant, and Fire Department will be closed to the public with an anticipated re-open date of April 1.  Protective measures have been taken by the Police Department and the PD lobby will remain open at this time.  City offices are fully staffed and all services will continue to be provided without interruption, including but not limited to fire and police protection, flood protection, garbage collection, and street, water, sewer, and electric service.  The purpose of the closure is to discourage discretionary travel and unnecessary person-to-person contact in the community.

Residents should call or email with any questions, concerns or business matters.  City staff will determine if access to City facilities will be granted depending on the nature of the issue and the City’s ability to handle the issue remotely.

City Commission meetings and City Planning Meetings will continue to be held as previously scheduled in the Commission Chambers at City Hall; however, in furtherance of the emergency declaration access will be limited as follows:

  • The doors to City Hall will be locked as indicated above.
  • Any interested person must call 701-845-1700 to request access.
  • Interested persons will be encouraged to call a conference line or participate remotely (information will be released as soon as possible).
  • Residents are highly encouraged to watch the broadcast (live or replay) of commission meetings on BEK channel 26 or CSI channel 68.
  • and/or KOVC radio will be given an opportunity to livestream all meetings.

Utility Bill Payments

Public Works will provide the following payment options during the emergency closure:

  • Auto-pay
    • Complete the Automatic Payment Authorization Form available at, and submit to Public Works, PO Box 240, Valley City, ND 58072.
  • Payment by check or money:
    • Mail to Valley City Public Works, PO Box 240, Valley City, ND 58072.
    • Drop box located in the parking lot north of the Post Office.
    • Drop box located inside the entryway to Public Works at 254 2nd Avenue NE
    • Payments deposited in the drop boxes by 8:00 AM will be credited to the previous day’s business activities.
  • Cash
    • Cash payments will be accepted in the drop boxes only for the duration of the emergency closure and must be enclosed in an envelope with information that clearly identifies the account holder and account.
  • Payment by credit card:
    • Credit card payments will be accepted by phone only for the duration of the emergency closure and only using the account holder’s credit card.  Please call 701-845-0380 during regular business hours.

Contact Information

  • City Hall—(701) 845-1700
  • Public Works—(701) 845-0380
  • Transfer Station—(701) 845-0314
  • Police Department—(701) 845-3110
  • Fire Department—(701) 845-3351

At this time the City has not acted to prohibit local travel or restrict the operations of businesses in town.  Please call local businesses directly to determine how they are responding to COVID-19.

The City of Valley City will continue to monitor this quickly evolving situation and will follow the recommendations of local, state, and federal health experts.  Residents are also encouraged to rely on accurate and current advice from trusted sources.  Covid-19 related questions will be directed to

  • City County Health District—(701) 845-8518, Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm;
  • North Dakota Department of Health hotline—(800) 207-2880, daily, 7:00am to 10:00pm;
  • Centers for Disease Control online (; and
  • North Dakota Department of Health online (

Most importantly, take steps to protect yourself and your family:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water (or hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol)
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a disposable tissue or use the inside of your elbow
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, and practice social distancing in general
  • If you believe you or a family member is sick please stay home and call a medical professional

Public Access – City Buildings

While North Dakota, and Valley City in particular, remain at a low risk status for community transmission of the COVID-19 virus, many organizations have begun to take preventative actions in an effort to mitigate future transmission.

The City of Valley City government offices and facilities are committed to remaining accessible to members of the public until it is no longer advisable to do so.

For the safety of our employees and to assist in community mitigation efforts, Valley City residents are highly encouraged to conduct business with the City by phone or email.  Utility payments should be mailed, deposited in the drop box in the front entry of Public Works, or deposited in the drop box in the parking lot behind the Valley City Post Office. 

Residents that require personal service (ie. credit card payments) at City Hall or Public Works may be asked to remain in a designated area while they are being assisted.

Commission meetings are open to the public; however, residents are encouraged to remain at home and watch the broadcast (live or replay) on CSI channel 68 or BEK channel 26.   Members of the public who wish to address a matter of public business at the meeting should call or email City Hall in advance to request time to speak.

  • Mail payments to: Valley City Public Works, PO Box 240
  • Payment drop box: Public Works entry or USPS rear parking lot
  • City Hall phone: 701-845-1700
  • Public Works phone: 701-845-0380
  • Transfer Station phone: 701-845-0314

Additional information and updates available at: