5.31.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • IT IS OPEN!!  The Barnes County Library, check out “Tails and Tales”! https://vcbclibrary.org/ & 845-3821
  • Your city staff was very busy last week with “Clean-up Week”.  When working Clean-up Week, “all hands on deck” is required to keep up with the volume of material collected.  Please say “thanks” to city employees when you see them as they do great work for us.
  • AAA of North Dakota, Dairy Queen and VCPD oversee the “I Got Caught” program.  The program rewards children for properly wearing helmets when riding bike, skateboarding, a scooter or skating and issuing a “ticket” for a small Dairy Queen Cone. Thank you.
  • *  Adults, please note it may even be more important for you to wear helmets.  If Mom or Dad sustains a “head injury” who will take care of your family? 
  • Thank you to the students at the Sheyenne Valley Career and Technology Center for the refreshing artwork on the traffic signal electrical boxes.  Thank you to the administrators who helped facilitate the project, it is a wonderful improvement.
  • Nine or ten days ago we had some nice rains and Friday the VCFD was called to a grass fire!  It is already dry again so please be careful with burning or with anything that could generate sparks and more fires.  BE SAFE.
  • * Twelve year-olds and older can be vaccinated for COVID. Let’s “Get’r Done” and move towards “herd immunity”.  CCHD: 845-8518.
  • Thanks to all who helped with this week’s article.
  •  “Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving.”                                                                      (Albert Einstein)                           

Blessings, Be Kind, Be Respectful and Pray


Posted in Announcements.