5.15.2023 Mayor’s Message



            Hi Everybody,

  • Hopefully you made opportunities to honor your Mom or for some of us, to honor the memory of our Moms on Mothers’ Day.
  • VCSU held commencement for its graduating students last week and VCPS will do the same this week.  Congratulations everyone.  To the VCSU and open enrolled high school students, “Thank you for choosing Valley City”.
  • I saw a car “roll through” a stop sign and another driving too fast for conditions ….. a VERY near collision!  Be courteous and be safe,“Courtesy is contagious, catch it”.
  • Four of us attended the Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) Annual Meeting last week which included numerous educational presentations throughout the day-and-a-half event.  That we all like the lights to come on when we flip the switch, presentations on adequate, reliable and affordable energy were especially interesting.  On the financial side, MRES is on budget and is on solid ground.  A Federal Legislative Update was provided by Marty and Samantha of Kanner and Associates, our lobbying firm.
  • Tom Heller has been with MRES since 1992 serving as President and CEO.  Over that time he has hired good people and created a culture that attracts and retains quality employees.  Tom presided over his last MRES Annual Meeting as he retired following the meeting.  Matt Schull, our new President and CEO assumed his duties Friday the 12th.  Thank you Tom and welcome Matt.
  • Please say a prayer for favorable farming weather.
  • With recent memories of snow and ice, it is nice seeing green grass, flowers and trees blossoming.  Our lawn suffered significant winter damage this year so bringing it back to health will be a big challenge.  Thankfully we have a number of businesses in Valley City that have seed, tools and everything we’ll need for our task.
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.
  • Be tough on the issues, but easy on the people.”                            

                                                                                               ~ Tom Heller

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Posted in Announcements.