10.4.2022 Finance Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commission Erickson and Commissioner Gulmon

Others Present:  City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, Administrative Assistant Johnson

Commission Topics

Discussion took place around the following topics:

            Discuss Contractor License.

            Discuss Single Family Dwellings being used as Multi Family Dwellings.

            Discuss Parking Ordinance 1108.

            Issues with Recycling.

Department Reports

Water Department

Water Superintendent Hesch reported water use has gone down. September the plant was ran 275 hours which was 35 hours less than in August. Water usage in august was 33,405 and as of September 30th it was 27,463.  August daily average usage was almost 1,100,000 and September was around 915,000 and will continue to drop.

Electric Department

Electrical Superintendent Senf reported the transformer is getting assembled and tested and should be online the first part of November. We may have a buyer for the other one.  Working on trimming trees and building a 3-phase line on Brea for an upcoming tooling shop.  We had 7 outages, 1 tree, truck hit a power line snapping a pole, the others were squirrels. We also had a pole hit on 5th Ave NE but didn’t cause an outage so just replaced the pole.

Sanitation Department

Sanitation Supervisor Swart requested everyone try to keep them clean.  Throw bags and boxes in dumpsters and do not put processed wood down there.  The Transfer Station will be open the 3rd Saturdays of November and December from 8-12 and then we will determine if it is cost effective to continue.

Fire Department

Fire Chief Magnuson reported Fire Prevention week starts Saturday so we will be going to the schools and giving tours.  The 15th there will be an open house at the Fire Hall.  11th is the active shooter drill, there is limited participation allowed for that and those that are allowed should have received an invite. Blood Drive is the 11th and 12th as well. We just got back from NY and the truck is what we need so we did commit.  It should be here next week.

Police Department

Police Chief Hatcher stated they are moving forward with bidding out the towing so we can have established fees.  There have been 2 interviews for our open position, both good candidates.  Friday is also the first responder night at the VCHS football game.

Street Department

Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported salt/sand is mixed and ready for winter.  Fall hydrant program will be starting soon. Flood buyouts and condemned houses are on the list to do yet too.


City Administrator Crawford stated she will be joining the Devils Lake outlet committee that Mary Lee Nielson was previously a member.  We are receiving calls that there is a blind spot coming out of Stoudt Ross and KLJ, and there have been a couple accidents, they are requesting that gets moved down to 25.

Finance Director Richter broke down the quarterly engineering services report.

Review monthly bills/reports

Finance Director Richter reported $1,844,866 of expenditures for September.

Fire Extinguisher Services Financial Report

Finance Director Richter read through the report.

Discuss Stilling Well

City Administrator Crawford stated with the changes being made to the Little Dam they will no longer be using the stilling well and are considering making it some sort of monument.

Discuss 8th Ave SE Expansion-Request to Fund Partial Road

City Administrator Crawford stated this is an expansion by Meadow View that was approved.  The developer has asked us to look into funding a portion of the road.

Consensus was made to move forward.

Discuss Public Works Rate Increases

Public Works Manager requested approval for rate increases for electrical, water and garbage departments effective the first billing after January 1st.

Updated on Viking Trailer Court.

David Wick via Zoom advised they are waiting for the delivery of the culverts and once those are received, they have contractors that can put them in.  If they don’t get them in time, they will use steel for now and replace them when they get the concrete. This would be the first phase.
Update on Elks Building

Chad Petersen updated that at this point we are in position to order the materials and then revise the plan documents to show that the materials are owned and on had by the city.

Discuss Replat of Metes and Bounds

City Administrator Crawford stated there has been some discussion from Miller Motors and the Theater about doing some upgrades and in order to get a building permit the areas cannot be a Metes and Bounds area.  David Wick has agreed to pay for a portion of the area outlined and discussion will take place with the other property owners to do the same.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:36 PM.

Posted in Announcements, Finance Meeting Minutes.