9/6/2020 Mayor’s Message

Greetings Everyone,

  • Thanks to all you people who have served as “paper carriers” over the years.  You did more than delivering papers as you established relationships with many people you may not have met had you not been “paper carriers”.  Thank you again and Blessings.
  • The Census 2020 deadline is the end of this month.  Please be counted.  Each person counted will generate over $19,000 and will determine our districts of representation.  AND it is safe.
  • COVID-19 Fatigue!  Gosh I am tiring of all the “virus stuff” though likely I am not alone.  Thank you all for your grand efforts battling the pandemic. 
  • Our risk rating has been raised from “Green” to “Yellow” and we have more stringent restrictions.  To succeed, we must recommit to ND Smart Restart by utilizing the available tools, Social Distancing, MaskUpND and good Hygiene.  Those three tools have shown great results over time so let’s get back to them.
  • https://ndresponse.gov/sites/www/files/documents/covid19/ND%20Smart%20Restart/Additional%20Resources/NDSmartRestartPlan.pdf
  • Earlier I mentioned COVID-19 Fatigue and sadly, it seems to have crept into how we are treating each other.  People have chastised health workers who were simply calling individuals and sharing that the person was a “close contact”.  That is wrong.
  • Another example, people have used social media, phone calls and texts to shame fellow citizens who are affected by the COVID-19.  That is NOT okay!
  • My Mom was a sweetheart and lived by the motto “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.  That would be asking a lot, so let’s move forward by respecting others, being kind to others and treating others the way we’d like to be treated.  
  • We are in this together and we can beat this, but like a team, we need to support each other.  Let’s join hands and “GO”!
  • “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”            (Peanuts Quote)

  Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Posted in Announcements.