4.26.2022 Daily Flood Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Magnuson, and Commissioner Gulmon

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Finance Director Richter, and Administrative Assistant Johnson.

Rich-Pool elevation at Lake Ashtabula is 1265.690.  Releases are at 4,200 cfs, inflows of 3,500cfs so now we are releasing more than what is coming in in an effort to gain some storage. This should put the river in Valley at the 16.25-17 ft range. Right now, we’re at about 15.5 ft.  Warwick is at 1,060 cfs, Cooperstown is steady at 2,000 cfs and Bald Hill is at 830 cfs and climbing.  The current weather system that is coming is tracking similar to the last one and could get a pretty consistent ½-1inch of precipitation with some protentional 2-3-inch areas. They are also noticing a similar system that may come in 7-8 day, it’s like we’re in some sort of cycle. The 4200 will be held until we see what the precipitation does.  At the 4200 we’re able to keep the transportation open south of town. Levees are at 99% complete, just buttoning up a few things. Once those are complete other contingencies will take place such as being able to react fast if needed. Riprap was added and repair is complete to the erosion at Mill Dam. Levee height survey verification needs to be complete before water can be added.  That was 84% complete before this report was taken.

Pete Paulson – If the rain doesn’t materialize will we stay at the 4200?

Rich – yes.

Gwen – 4th St SW and SE work was finished, Swankey and 8th Ave NE levee are being finished up. There is another erosion area that is being monitored by Gaukler. The clay by the hospital and Rainbow Bridges are the last two bridges that would be closed.  It was either close the bridges now while Strata was in town or just get them ready and if needed our guys could take care of it.

Clint- We plan to keep the two bridges as long as possible, if needed it would take us about an hour to close.  The colder weather has slowed inflows. Two areas in town sluice gates are not working as they should so sandbags will probably be used.

Sue-County end of things have been watching the bridges south of town. If the roads get closed it will start at 35V street and go south to 38th street.  An Everbridge notification went out to those residents.  The crews have been out and removed a couple of log jams from bridges that way.

Phil-The PD has been getting reports of people on or around the clay dikes, stay away and stay off.  If there is a road closed sign do not go around those.  We are fining and it is a $500 fine.

Carl-The flood question/help non-emergency line is 701-890-7848 and you can check social media or our website for more information.

Dick-Thanks to staff, KLJ, Moore, Tom Moorhouse and Strata and Mr. Johnson and the schools for working with us.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:25 PM.

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